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词汇 hydrochloric acid
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hydrochloric acid发音


盐酸; 氢氯酸


hydrochloric acids───[无化]盐酸

hydrofluoric acid───n.[无化]氢氟酸

hydrofluoric acids───n.[无化]氢氟酸

nitrohydrochloric acid───王水

hydro;omic acid───[无化]氢溴酸

hydrocyanic acid───[无化]氢氰酸

perchloric acid───[无化]高氯酸;过氯酸

nitrohydrochloric acids───王水

hydrocinnamic acid───[有化]氢化肉桂酸


This mixture is then mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid.───氰基丙烯酸正丁酯是在超强力胶中发现的一种化学物质.

Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid to provide an acidic solution for pepsin.───胃液内含有盐酸给胃蛋白酶提供酸溶液.

Your stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world.───你的胃会分泌盐酸,这是工业中用来处理金属的腐蚀性化合物。

By pretreatment with hydrochloric acid and use of Albegal B in mordant dyeing.───采用盐酸做预处理,并采用阿白格B参与媒介染料染色的染色工艺.

An excess amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can cause indigestion.───胃中盐酸过量会导致消化不良.

The synthetic rutile is prepared by directly leaching ilmenite from Panzhihua area with hydrochloric acid.───以攀西地区钛铁矿为原料,采用盐酸常压直接浸出法制备高品位人造金红石.

To determine the effect of Oxfenmino hydrochloric acid on delayed allergic reaction in mouse.───观察盐酸奥芬米洛对小鼠迟发型变态反应的影响.

Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach and forms part of the gastric juice.───胃里可分泌出盐酸,而盐酸是胃液的组成部分.

Can gold dissolve in hydrochloric acid?───(习惯性)金子能溶于盐酸 吗 ?

The hydrolysis process of antimony pentachloride and its hydrochloric acid solution was studied.───研究五氯化锑及其盐酸溶液的水解过程.

The POHP doped by sulfuric acid, ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid show good stability.───硫酸 、 三氯化铁、盐酸掺杂POHP都显示良好的稳定性.

Zaoli phosphate fertilizer, and Hefei, hydrochloric acid production, sale, the enterprise product raw materials procurement.───造粒磷肥、复合肥 、 盐酸生产 、 销售, 本企业生产产品原料的采购.

Things such as surfactants, phosphates, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, chlorine bleach and many more.───东西,如表面活性剂, 磷酸盐, 盐酸, 磷酸, 硫酸, 氯漂白水和许多更多.

What should the person food with overmuch hydrochloric acid in gastric juice notice?───胃酸过多的人饮食要注意什么?

Or add iron to hydrochloric acid and boil the solution to dryness.───又或者将铁放入盐酸中,然后将溶液加热变成结晶。

Cremation pumps dioxins, hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide into the air.───火葬会把二氧(杂)芑 、 盐酸 、 二氧化硫和二氧化碳排放到大气中.

Dropped hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to acetone oxime, solid hydroxylamine could get.───在所得的丙酮肟中, 滴加浓硫酸或浓盐酸,可以分别得到固体的硫酸羟胺或盐酸羟胺.

The banana can also neutralize the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and reduce the pain.───香蕉还可以中和胃酸和减少疼痛.

The cleaning technology was hydrochloric acid cleaning, citric acid rinse, peroxide passivation.───清洗工艺为盐酸酸洗 、 柠檬酸漂洗 、 双氧水钝化.

Peristalsis mixes food with enzymes and hydrochloric acid from glands inandthe resulting chyme the small intestine.───胃的蠕动将食物与处于胃壁上的胃腺分泌的消化及盐酸混合,由此形成的食糜被推送入小肠.

These small tablets contain one drop of hydrochloric acid and they last about four hours.───这些小片剂每片含有一滴盐酸,药效持续四个小时左右。

The samples of corn straw were hydrolysis with dilute hydrochloric acid at different temperatures.───对稀盐酸水解秸秆半纤维素生成木糖水解液过程进行动力学研究.

A compound resultingas resultingthe reaction of hydrochloric acid with an organic base.───一种黄色、气味浓烈、腐蚀性的氮和盐酸的混合物,能溶解金属(包括金).

For all adsorbents studied , the adsorption capacity always decreases with the increase of hydrochloric acid concentration.───所有吸附剂对氯仿的吸附能力均随着溶液中盐酸浓度的增加而降低.

Via hydrochloric acid hydrolyzing, complex amino acid was gained with pine pollen as material.───本文以油松花粉为原料,通过盐酸水解制取复合氨基酸.

The corrosion retarding mechanism in hydrochloric acid is studied by EIS at normal temperature.───常温下利用交流阻抗法研究了合成产品在盐酸中的缓蚀机理.


Many plating firms use cyanide and hydrochloric acid in separate metal baths.

This mixture is then mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid.

Gold can't be dissolved in hydrochloric acid.

A pre-smoothed face is gently etched with 5% hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid is sometimes replaced by nitric or sulphuric acid.

If used, hydrochloric acid must be given slowly through a central venous catheter.

Sulfanilic acid is dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and diluted to volume with distilled water.

Hydrochloric acid is a colorless, corrosive acid.

Vomiting, however, leads to a loss of gastric hydrochloric acid, and often causes a metabolic alkalosis.





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