

词汇 give your seat
释义 give your seat
give your seat发音



give consent───同意

give your eye teeth───给你的眼睛牙齿

lose your shirt───脱掉你的衬衫

bite your lip───咬你的嘴唇

ejector seat───弹射座椅

give a shit───只在乎很少的一点

give or take───增减……而无大变化;允许有小误差


is common decency to give your seat to anyone in greater need.───如果上了年纪的人或残疾人要求你让座,请把座位让给他们。

Please give your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they require it.───但是当老年人来乘坐公交车时,你愿意给他让座吗?

It was very polite of you to give your seat on the bus to the old woman.───你很有礼貌,在公共汽车上给那位老妇人让座。

It's polite for you to give your seat to the old.───把你的座位让给老人是有礼貌的。

s very polite of you to give your seat to old people.───你给老人让座,非常有礼貌。

I don't want to bother you to give your seat to me at all.───我一点也不想麻烦你给我让座

It is a good custom to give your seat to an old person or a weak one in a crowded car or bus.───在拥挤的电车或巴士上,让座给老人和弱者是好的习惯。

Young man, would you please give your seat to this pregnant woman?───年轻人,你可以给这位怀孕的妇女让座吗?


Will you please give your seat to this old woman . Young Pioneer?

Please give your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they require it.

It is common decency to give your seat to anyone in greater need.

  • give a bill
  • give me a look
  • give a lecture
  • give back
  • gives us
  • given back
  • give protection from disease
  • gives rise to
  • give you
  • give at
  • give a show
  • give me a
  • give me
  • give them in
  • give present
  • give off energy
  • give him head
  • give force to
  • give out to
  • given out
  • give your seat




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