

词汇 giving off
释义 giving off
giving off发音



hiving off───脱离编制;分出

living off───以…为食料;靠…生活;住在…之外

driving off───赶走,击退

firing off───升火,发射;熄火

given off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

giving out───分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭

going off───离开;进行;变质;睡去;断掉;爆炸

moving off───移开(moveoff的现在分词形式)

wiping off───除去;还清;洗刷


More slug-looking than anything, this little guy is giving off a message to his predators that he will not make a tasty meal.───这只长得像鼻涕虫的小家伙正在向他的捕食者发出一个信息:他不会是美味的食物。

So that's why we're giving off extra energy.───这也就是我们放出多余能量的原因。

The rivers are giving off a terrible smell.───河水发出难闻的气味。

Near the Sun they may vaporize, giving off the dust and gas that produce the comet's tail we see from Earth.───在接近太阳时,它们会被蒸发,而放出气体和尘埃,形成我们所看到的彗星尾巴。

Those freshly green buds had grown plump and tough, giving off fragrance as if toxic piquancy.───青翠的花苞结实饱满,芳香如同带有毒性的辛辣。

As one of the folk arts in Anhui Province, Flower Drum Lantern is giving off splendid effulgence across the whole province.───花鼓灯作为安徽省民间艺术之一,在江淮这片土地上散发着奇特的光辉。

The heat breaks the biomass down into a charcoal-like solid and the bio-oil, giving off some gas in the process.───这种情况下,加热会把生物原料变成木炭似的固体物质和生物原油,同时释放某些气体。

I never realized giving off myself to another could be so exciting and fulfilling.───我从未认识到为别人奉献是如此地令人激动与满足。

When a black body cools down, at some point it no longer radiates light in the visible spectrum, giving off infrared photons instead.───当黑体变冷的时候,在一定的温度以下,它就不会再发出可见光而是放出红外光子。


This fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat.

The fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat.

It was a sort of devil's crucible, giving off poisonous fumes, just like a bowl of vitriol.

So the sewage goes septic, giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell.

Crisp yellow leaves scrunched satisfyingly underfoot, giving off a sweet sad scent.

Even the dune grass is shiny , giving off more light than green.

These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.

The cooker is giving off a funny smell.

It's giving off smelly fumes.

  • giving way to
  • giving money
  • giving thanks
  • giving up on you
  • giving out light
  • giving tips




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