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词汇 giving money
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giving onto───v.朝向

giving over───停止;交出

folding money───n.纸币;现款

big money───大钱;大笔钱

coin money───vi.暴富;获暴利;n.大发其财

even money───同额赌注

giving away───洩露


Giving Work Will Become as Important as Giving money.───提供工作机会将和捐赠现金一样重要。

Her fantasies include painting the classrooms of shabby schools, leaving hot meals on kitchen tables in the poor part of town, and giving money secretly to a proud old lady.───她的幻想包括粉刷破旧学校的教室,在镇上贫困地区的餐桌上留下热腾腾的饭菜,秘密地给一位自视清高的老太太送钱。

Giving back can be more than just giving money.───回馈不仅仅是给钱。

So if you want to "give back, " giving money to the poor seems to me a good place to start.───所以如果有人想“回馈”社会,把钱直接发给穷人在我看似乎是个不错的开端。

You might already be giving money to one of these organizations, and that might be a good place to begin your volunteer experience.───你可能曾给其中一个这样的机构捐过钱,这可能就是你开始志愿经历的好地方。

We should not be giving money so that God will bless us, instead we should be giving money because of how much God has ALREADY blessed us.───我们不应当为了得着神更多的祝福所以才奉献,而是应当因为神已经这样大大地赐福于我们,所以做出感恩的奉献作为回应。

"I get much more pleasure giving money to what I consider worthwhile causes than making the money in the first place, " he says.───“为在我看来值得的事业捐钱,比挣钱带给我的乐趣要大得多,”他表示。

Take them shopping for something they need now . If you don't like the idea of giving money then make a day of it and take them shopping.───如果你不喜欢送钱的这种方式,你可以腾出一天的时间来带他们去购物买一些他们需要的东西。

About half of the women seemed to derive as much pleasure, based upon their brain patterns, from giving money as from receiving it.───大致一半的女性,基于她们的大脑模式,给予和获得会让她们获得差不多一样的快感。


Three men have been charged with aiding his escape. It is also often used in the context of giving money:The project has been greatly aided by the generosity of local businesses.

Tithing, or giving money to the church for its ministry, is not a tax to be paid to keep your membership.

He salves his conscience by giving money to charity.

If we hadn't seen the TV programme, we would have carried on giving money to the charity in the ordinary way.

He tried to expiate his crimes by giving money to the church.

The photographs of starving children shocked people into giving money.

Corporations and unions are banned by law from giving money to candidates in elections for federal office.

Well, the DTI is at this moment considering giving money to keep Huerter, one of his main rivals, going.

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. Mother Teresa 

  • giving way to
  • giving money
  • giving thanks
  • giving up on you
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