

词汇 give way to
释义 give way to
give way to发音




give wing to───支持

give it to───责备

give up to───陷入;让给;向…投降

give way───让路;撤退;倒塌;失去控制

give pause to───vt.使人踌躇

give wings to───给…翅膀

give over to───留作;把…留作特定用途

give rise to───使发生,引起

give suck to───给…吃奶


A powered vessel should give way to sail — it is an unwritten rule of the sea.───机动船在遇到帆船时必须让其先行,这是一条不成文的航海规则.

And robust scrutiny could give way to hotheaded revenge.───并且头脑发热的复仇可能冲淡那种明察秋毫.

Give way to traffic coming from the left.───让从左边来的车先行。

Always give way to buses.───要永远为公交车让路。

The earlier good humour and high spirits give way to a progressively despairing vision.───先前那种快活的幽默和高昂的情绪统统让位于对一切渐感失望的看法.

We mustn't give way to these unreasonable demands.───我们不可对这些不合理的要求让步.

We must not give way to their demands.───我们决不能对他们的要求让步.

Both had retreated politely to give way to each other.───两人都礼貌地退让。

He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.───他应该让位给一位更年轻、更果断的领导者。

Give way to cars that come from the left.───给左边开过来的汽车让路.

Wilderness forests give way to arctic tundra in the Far North.───原生森林一直延伸到极远的北方始由极地草原取代.

We are not going to give way to blackmail.───我们不会屈服于讹诈.

Our employer not give way to our demands for higher wages.───我们的“雇主”不会对我们增加工资的要求让步.

The last houses give way to soybean fields.───最后一批房子也被拆掉用作了大豆地。

A deadlock was reached in the discussions, as neither side would give way to the other.───讨论陷入僵局, 因为双方各不相让.

He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.───他应该让位于更年轻、更有决断力的领导者。

Give way to traffic coming from the right.───让右方驶来的车辆先行.

Our employer will not give way to our demands for higher wages.───我们的雇主不会对我们增加工资的要求让步.

  • give a bill
  • give me a look
  • give a lecture
  • give back
  • gives us
  • given back
  • give protection from disease
  • gives rise to
  • give you
  • give at
  • give a show
  • give me a
  • give me
  • give them in
  • give present
  • give off energy
  • give him head
  • give force to
  • give out to
  • given out
  • give your seat




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