

词汇 give the order
释义 give the order
give the order发音



give the bounce───弹跳

survive the ordeal───熬过磨难

made to order───定制的

the order───n.食罪人(电影名)

give sb the creeps───使某人毛骨悚然

given the go-ahead───考虑到这一点

give the lie to───揭穿谎言

give them heaps───给他们一堆

in the order of───按…次序;大约


I give the order to the cashier.───我把菜单给收银员。

Did you give the order?───是你下的命令?

The nurse went away, concealing a smile, to give the order for two breakfasts.───奶妈忍着笑离开了,去吩咐厨房要两份早餐。

President Jackson's treasury secretary was friendly to the bank. He would not give the order.───杰克逊总统的财政部长对美国银行持友好的态度,他不会下这样的命令。

George Lucas then limited the weapon only to the Jedi Knights, to give the order a unique feel and an arcane quality.───后来,乔治·卢卡斯把这种武器只赋予绝地武士,以便让武士团有一种独特的感觉和神秘的特质。

William promised to have a word in the manager's ear and persuade him to give the order to his uncle.───威廉答应私下在经理面前美言几句,说服他把这定单交给他的叔叔做。

Give the order for the National Guard to evacuate Southern states.───给国民警卫队下达命令疏散整个南部

I give the order, as a substitute leader of Tungs , to expel Tung Yin-Zhong from the Tung's tribe! !───我以童氏代族长身分下令,将童尹仲逐出童氏一族!!

So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day.───因此,请吩咐人将坟墓把守妥当,直到第三日。


At 12: 01 a. m., warden Arthur Calderon will give the order to proceed with the execution.

Very unwillingly Charles saw that he must give the order to retreat.

The captain had to give the order to abandon ship.

  • give a bill
  • give me a look
  • give a lecture
  • give back
  • gives us
  • given back
  • give protection from disease
  • gives rise to
  • give you
  • give at
  • give a show
  • give me a
  • give me
  • give them in
  • give present
  • give off energy
  • give him head
  • give force to
  • give out to
  • given out
  • give your seat




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