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词汇 祝祖国繁荣昌盛用英语怎么说
释义 祝祖国繁荣昌盛用英语怎么说

I wish the motherland prosperity




He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.───他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生.

Our great motherland is favorably endowed climately.───我们祖国的气候(真是)得天独厚.

Because you are able to take up arms and defend your motherland, we are all proud of you.───因为你能披坚执锐,保卫祖国, 我们都为你感到自豪.

I love China. I love my motherland.───我爱中国,我爱我的祖国。

Never forget our duty to our motherland.───牢记我们对祖国应尽的义务.

Like the eagle love mew love your motherland.───像鹰爱鹰巢一样爱你的祖国。

We are determined to accomplish the great cause of unification of the motherland.───我们一定要完成统一祖国的伟大事业.

Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.───经常返回她移居的国家让她写出了她的第一本书《万金油》。

Their meritorious deeds for the motherland will ever be remembered in the annuals of history!───他们为祖国建立的丰功伟绩永垂史册!

Now that you are able to take up arms and defend your motherland.───你现在能够披坚执锐,保卫祖国了。


Henry was forced to leave his motherland for political reasons.

We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs.

The dancers danced the story of their motherland.

They are willing to die for the motherland.

Anyone who betrays his motherland shall inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal sin and shame.

It is obligatory on every citizen to safeguard our great motherland.

We must defend our motherland from the enemy.

He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.

Win glory for our motherland!

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