I don't like proper children.───我不喜欢一本正经的孩子.
Lack of proper nourishment reduces their power to resist disease.───营养不良降低了他们抵抗疾病的能力.
He found what he was saying was not proper for the occasion and he stopped short.───他觉得自己说的话不对碴儿,就停住了.
Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face.───凯瑟琳演示了洁面的正确方法。
To be rude to the old is not proper.───对老人粗鲁是不适当的.
There were no proper toilets, but only an outdoor latrine.───没有正规的厕所,只有一个位于室外的茅坑。
He denied that he'd failed to keep a proper lookout that night.───他否认当晚守望不力。
In those days it was not thought entirely proper for a woman to be on the stage.───那个时候,女性登台表演被认为不太得体。
Each person receives his proper quantum.
Nothing is in its proper place.
Cheat's never proper.
Many young people think old people are too proper.
To him that does everything in its proper time, one day is worth three.
- 妥善保管用英语怎么说
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- carcanet properties
- cad properties
- matrimonial property
- condemnable property
- commercial property manager
- proper grammar
- brochantite metaphysical properties
- proper time
- improper nutrition