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词汇 donate money
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dole money───救济金

gate money───入场费

on the money───正好在恰当的地方

boot money───橄榄球球员穿某一指定厂牌球鞋出场所得的费用

cost money───花钱

danger money───[劳经]危险工作津贴;危险工作的额外报酬

demand money───要钱

dinner money───餐费

dole moneys───低收入


I sometimes donate money to WWF because I love animals.───因为我喜爱动物,有时候我把钱捐献给世界自然基金会.

This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and Internet facilities.───这使得公司和个人捐款给发展中国家,以购买计算机设备和互联网设施。

She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.───她愿为高尚的事业捐款.

Pictures of starving children have sent many people scurrying to donate money.───看到一张张忍饥挨饿的孩子们的照片,许多人赶忙捐钱。

We should give out leaflets to ask people to donate money.───我们应该散发传单请人们捐款.

Quite a number of patriotic overseas Chinese are eager to donate money for the purpose.───不少爱国侨胞也热心捐资办学.

You pay and they'll donate money to poverty or Habitat for Humanity or some organizations like that.───你交钱给他们,他们会把钱捐给穷人或者仁人家园或者其他类似的慈善机构。

We want to donate money to a good cause.───我想把钱捐献给崇高的事业.

Besides doing our own job well, we can donate money to them.───除了把自己的工作做好以为, 我们可以捐钱给他们.

Why are people joyful when they go to temples donate money?───为什么去寺庙捐钱人们会快乐 呢 ?

I think it would be better to donate money to a temporary shelter for the homeless.───我觉得把钱捐给无家可归者的临时收容所更好。


You may prefer to donate money, which will only be used to buy goods for use in the orphanages.

She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.

Pro-choice supporters donate money to the clinic for each picket who shows up.

Then we hit on the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net.

Some state schools follow the example of private schools in asking parents to donate money.

Her goal is to find a company willing to donate money for research.

People can donate money to quake - hit areas by sending SMS.

People are prepared to donate money to pay for protection.

Pictures of starving children have sent many people scurrying to donate money.

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