

词汇 off the mark
释义 off the mark
off the mark发音

八九不离十; 大错特错; 摆脱防守



off the map───不重要的;不存在的;不易到达的

off the rack───现成的

on the mark───说到点子上的;中肯的;切题的

on/off the mark───正常/不正常

off the track───出轨;误入歧途;离题

get off the mark───开始;起跑

hit the mark───打中目标;达到目的;成功

off the air───停播,停止广播;广播中止

off the bat───马上;立刻


Despite these caveats, researchers agree that the ILO estimates may not be far off the mark.───尽管有这些质疑, 研究人员都同意国际劳工组织的估计接近实情.

Watch out for those jealous girls: they are very quick off the mark.───当心那帮醋劲十足的姑娘们,她们很会捷足先登.

Bankers Trust, now part of Deutsche Bank, was arguably quickest off the mark.───银行家们相信, 现在德意志银行的一部分, 是有据可查的最快理解此事的公司.

Yet such predictions may be a little off the mark.───然而,这些预测也许并非千真万确.

This would mean Yao's forecast could be off the mark.───这将意味著姚明的预测可能正确.

Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom.───地方商行不失时机地利用油价暴涨大赚其钱.

Stewart got off the mark with a four.───以一记四分球开始得分。

No, you're way off the mark.───不行,你根本没说到重点。

It was good to see Berba get two goals get him off the mark.───很高兴看到贝巴打入两球,这会让减轻他的压力.

But when it comes to commodities like crude oil and corn, that may off the mark.───但对原油、谷物等大宗商品来说, 这个词或许还不适用.

The runners were all quick off the mark.───赛跑运动员很快冲出了起跑线.

You have to be quick off the mark when you answer a newspaper advertisement.───回应报纸的广告得说办就办.

India is often portrayed as an elephant: big, lumbering and slow off the mark.───印度经常被描述成一头大象:庞大,动作笨拙,行动迟缓。

John was off the mark at once. His records seemed to become a vogue overnight.───约翰立刻抓住机会. 他的唱片似乎在一夜之间就风行起来.

Be quick off the mark if you hear of something promising.───若听说有前途的事情要马上行动.

Whoever told you that was right off the mark.───不管是谁告诉你那件事,他都是完全错的.

We were off the mark as soon as the bell for the cessation of work sounded.───停止工作的铃声一响我们马上就走了.

Robinson didn't think the story was so far off the mark.───鲁宾逊认为这个报道根本算不上离谱。


Stewart got off the mark with a four.

The runners were all quick off the mark.

You have to be quick off the mark when you answer a newspaper advertisement.

Our cost estimate was way off the mark .

The police were certainly quick off the mark reaching the scene of the accident.

You'll have to be quick off the mark if you want to find a job around here.

No, you're way off the mark.

If you're quick off the mark in answering these questions[http://Sentencedict.com], you could win a prize.

I was a bit slow off the mark/on the uptake there - I didn't follow his reasoning at all.

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