

词汇 of hot
释义 of hot
of hot发音



of foot───脚的

of note───著名的,有名的;值得注意的

of his───他的

of sorts───各种各样的

one shot───单次对焦;一次使用

pot shot───n.肆意抨击;胡乱射击;乱批评,突然而不公正的批评;对某人或某物任意射击



Her stage outfit of hot trousers, over-the-knee boots and a tube top was a bit much.───她在舞台上的装扮是热裤、过膝长靴加紧身抹胸,太过分了。

He tilted up the pot, and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate.───他把锅倾斜起来,一股热腾腾的浓汤汩汩地流进了盘子。

The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries.───天气炎热和供水减少这两个因素结合在一起对很多行业造成了损害。

Trying to talk clients out of hot investments is nothing new.───努力说服客户不再跟风投资没什么新鲜的。

Among the items on display are a pair of hot-pink furry handcuffs, a toy sailboat and a prosthetic leg.───在这些展品中,有一副毛茸茸的、色彩浓烈的粉红手铐,一艘玩具船和一只假腿。

Next morning, take a small amount of hot products in the palm, from the inner corners of his eyes rolling gently push outward.───每天早上下,取少量产品在掌心温热,由内眼角向外眼角滚动式轻轻按压。

Some have also experimented with limited capital controls in a parallel attempt to head off the flow of hot money.───一些国家还试行了有限的资本管制措施,试图阻止热钱流动。

A cup of hot tea in the cool English climate has been a favorite of the British ever since Assam tea was discovered in India.───自从在印度发现阿萨姆茶以来,在寒冷的天气喝上一杯热茶便成了英国人的最爱。

The connected problem of hot-water heating system and low-temperature heating network is often met in the heating design of high building.───在高层建筑供暖设计中,常会遇到建筑内的热水供暖系统与低温供热管网的连接问题;


A bowl of hot chicken soup will be good for you.

This sort of hot and spicy food is very typical of the food in the south of the country.

A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.

The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries.

A cup of hot milk will put you off to sleep better.

He talks a lot of hot air.

Iceland is full of hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural wonders.

A blast of hot air came from the furnace.

A blast of hot air blows in.

  • off to lunch
  • of week
  • off broadway shoes
  • off my life
  • of hot
  • off to sleep
  • offer to
  • of and for
  • often dirty
  • of crayons
  • of course l will
  • office parties
  • officious syn
  • off of
  • office diary
  • offering financial
  • of choice
  • office supplies
  • officinalis plant
  • off my mind
  • of my all




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