

词汇 off the rack
释义 off the rack
off the rack发音



off the track───出轨;误入歧途;离题

off the mark───不相关

off the pace───跑在第一名之后


on the rack───十分痛苦

off the rails───出轨的;混乱的,神经错乱的

off the air───停播,停止广播;广播中止

off the bat───马上;立刻

off the hook───摆脱困境;脱身


For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.───至于衣服,我们到好莱坞大道上的一家商店里,都是直接挑现成的买。

I only require to buy some off - the - rack clothes.───我只想买一部份现成的衣服.

Really? It's just something off - the rack.───真的 吗 ?只是一件很普通的衣服啦.

I usually buy my suits off the rack because it's faster.───我的西装通常都是买现成的,因为这样比较快.

We buy our food, like our clothing, ready made and off the rack.───我们买食品, 也像买衣服一样,都是已经弄好的, 现成的.

Not sure if it's off the rack , or custom - made and proprietary , suggestions and clarifications welcome.───目前并不清楚这个字体是随手可得, 还是定制的, 期待建议和说明.

They went to a store and bought suits off the rack.───这两人只好去服装店买了套现成的西服了事。

Iwant to buy some off - the - rack clothes.───我只想买 现成 的衣服.

Talbot also spearheaded a new accessibility design standard for future MBTA rail vehicles, meaning the system will tell manufacturers what to put in the car, rather than "buying them off the rack."───托尔伯特还优先尝试为海湾交通管理局的铁路交通设计一种新的无障碍标准,意味着这个新系统将告诉制造商车上应该增设些什么装置,而不是“另外去购买这些设备。”

I just want to buy some off - the - rack clothes.───我只想随便买一些现成的衣服.

  • off to lunch
  • off broadway shoes
  • off my life
  • off to sleep
  • offer to
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  • officious syn
  • off of
  • office diary
  • offering financial
  • office supplies
  • officinalis plant
  • off my mind
  • offence and defence
  • offer code
  • offensively smelly
  • office boy
  • office rent
  • offsets c#
  • off the map travel
  • offser da




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