after the fact───事的;犯罪之后
alter the way───改变方式
enjoy the ride───享受旅途;爱兜风
under the rose───秘密地,私下地
Peter the Great───彼得大帝
enter the lists───输入列表
alter the balance───改变天平
deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers a fright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.───当这个不速之客搭乘了一艘从墨西哥湾钻井平台发出的潜艇后,这种深海爬行动物吓了石油工人一跳。
Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2. What is special about Uncle Bob's restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?───为什么艾丽斯不想乘坐那个新的游乐设施?乘坐之后她感觉怎么样? 鲍勃叔叔的餐馆的特色是什么?艾丽斯和何伟应该早到那里吃晚餐吗?为什么?。
cycling has the added benefit of ramping up your metabolism, even after the ride is over.───另外,即使在骑车之后,仍能有利于加速新陈代谢。
She looked pale after the ride on the roller coaster.───从云霄飞车上下来之后,她脸色苍白。
- after my word
- after you
- after h
- after fun
- afterguard sailing
- after glow paint
- after today
- afterthought yhyry
- after glow imdb
- after shock
- afterclap podcast
- afterimage of a crimson eye
- after home
- after kitchen
- after there
- after whilegitimate
- after song
- after the ride
- after noon
- after other
- afternoon session