patter song───滑稽顺口溜歌曲,幽默的歌曲或咏叹调
patter songs───滑稽顺口溜歌曲,幽默的歌曲或咏叹调
after you───您先请
There exists universally a happy ending in opera novels after Song Dynasty.───宋以后的戏曲小说中,普遍存在着“大团圆”结局模式。
This pattern had a deeply influence on the environment pattern and garden style of after Song (Ming and Qing).───这一模式对宋以后(明清园林)的环境模式及园林风格产生了极大影响。
Dongpo Rou is a dish named after Song Dynasty (960-1279) poet Su Dongpo, who was also a governor in Hangzhou and had built the causeway across the lake.───东坡肉以宋朝(960 - 1279)诗人苏东坡命名,他曾是杭州知州,在西湖上著名的苏堤就是他建的。
Mile after mile, song after song, if your wife asks you where you were all night, blame it on the car DVD system!───一英里接着一英里后,宋歌,如果你的妻子问你,你都是晚上,怪DVD系统上车吧!
After Song Dynasty, they presented different characteristics in the number of words, form, varied typeface and quantity.───宋代以后,呈现出字数有多有少、形式多种多样、字体不一、数量多少不定等特点。
After Song dynasty, along with the evolution of Confucianism, the Intelligentsia has disavowed Dong Zhongshu's partial views sharply.───北宋以后,随着儒学的发展,知识界对董仲舒的部分观点进行了比较严厉的否定。
Song after song, memories after memories, I packed away everything, cherishing everything.───一首首歌,一丝丝的回忆,我好好收藏,都珍惜着。
After Song Dynasty, the customs has changed, and the symbolic meaning has changed from good luck to ill luck.───宋代以后,乌啼报喜之说和奉乌祈福的习俗均已发生变化,乌鸦象征意义经历了由吉到凶的转变过程。
After Song dynasty, "the practice of Zen and Pure Land" has become a mainstream gradually.───在延寿的宣导下,「禅净双修」自宋代以来渐渐成为佛教的主流。
This paper will present the panorama of Tomb-sweeping Day after Song Dynasty by Tomb - sweeping Drama.
After Song dynasty, the fad of fencing was gradually replaced by sword dancing.
- after my word
- after you
- after h
- after fun
- afterguard sailing
- after glow paint
- after today
- afterthought yhyry
- after glow imdb
- after shock
- afterclap podcast
- afterimage of a crimson eye
- after home
- after kitchen
- after there
- after whilegitimate
- after song
- after the ride
- after noon
- after other
- afternoon session