

词汇 妈妈总是很早起床用英语怎么说
释义 妈妈总是很早起床用英语怎么说

Mother always gets up early


起床───get up;妈妈───mom


They get up to all sorts behind your back.───他们背着你干尽了坏事。

They have to get up early in the morning.───他们大清早就得起床。

Naturally he couldn't work in this get-up.───他当然不能穿这么滑稽的衣服上班。

Come on, lazybones, get up!───赶快,你这懒骨头,起床了!

The train has to get up steam again after a stop.───火车停了以后,启动时又得慢慢加速.

Brigid!" she screamed. "Get up!"───布里吉德!”她尖声叫道。“起床!”

I woke up early and said to myself,'shall I get up?───”我醒得很早,心里 想 “我要起床 吗 ?”

I generally get up at six.───我一般六点钟起床。


It doesn't make any sense to get up so early.

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.

His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath.

She finds it very difficult to get up early.

Not having to get up early is just one of the perks of being retired.

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