Bacillus thuringiensis───苏云金杆菌;苏云金芽孢杆菌
Canton linens───广州线
The result showed that Dianthus chinensis and Dianthus plumarius are better.───结果表明,地被石竹和长夏石竹更好一些。
The regenerated plantlets in Dianthus chinensis were obtained by two methods: through the redifferentiation of the callus and the adventitious buds induced directly from the explant.───通过诱导愈伤组织再分化和直接诱导不定芽这两种途径获得了石竹的再生植株。
The result showed that 6 varieties plants have lawn value and Dianthus chinensis and Dianthus plumarius are better.───实验结果表明,6种实验材料都具有一定的坪用价值,但地被石竹和长夏石竹的表现较好。
Studies on Regulating the Flower ForMation and Its MechanisM of Dianthus chinensis L .───石竹试管苗成花调控及其机理。
Effects of Polyamine Metabolism on Endogenous Hormone Changes During Flower Formation of Dianthus chinensis L .───多胺代谢对石竹试管苗成花中内源激素含量的影响。
Dianthus chinensis L. 'Elegance White'───石竹‘典雅白’
Correlation Between Endogenious Polyamine Contents and Flowr Bud Formation in Dianthus Chinensis L .───石竹花芽发生与内源多胺含量的关系。
Dianthus chinensis L. 'Indian Pinks Mixed'───石竹‘印第安粉’
Dianthus chinensis L. 'Grace Pink'───石竹‘格雷斯粉’
The regenerated plantlets in Dianthus chinensis were obtained by two methods: through the redifferentiation of the callus and the adventitious buds induced directly from the explant.
The research was conducted to investigate the induction of leaf callus and plant regeneration of Dianthus chinensis L.
The result showed that 6 varieties plants have lawn value and Dianthus chinensis and Dianthus plumarius are better.
Especially all - round appraising result of Dianthus Dianthus chinensis will be popularized widely.
- dianthus chinensis