Greek people
The region was split three ways, between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.───这一地区被希腊、塞尔维亚和保加利亚分成了3部分。
I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece.───我买了一枚戒指,留作对希腊的纪念。
Greece broke off relations with Turkey.───希腊断绝了与土耳其的外交关系.
They established themselves between the Danube and Greece.───他们在多瑙河和希腊之间定居下来.
They met while on holiday in Greece.───他们是在希腊度假时认识的。
They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.───他们认为古代希腊罗马是知识的重要发源地。
Greece is a peacemaking, stabilizing force in the area.───希腊是该地区调解冲突、稳定局势的一支力量。
Greece has established full diplomatic relations with Israel.───希腊已经和以色列建立了全面的外交关系。
I'd like to go away, perhaps to Greece or somewhere.───我很想离开这里, 也许去希腊或别的什么地方.
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