fit ups───装配,装合;装备
set ups───v.建立;装配;开业;竖立
sit up───熬夜;端坐
split ups───分裂,分离
sit upon───坐在
slip ups───v.疏忽;跌倒;遭到不幸
cut ups───vt.切碎;抨击
Sit - ups, trunk twists, and other calisthenics are demonstrated the videotape.───录像带上演示了坐下 、 起立 、 屈蹲以及其它''.'健美操'. ''练法.
Susan: Five more sit - ups. Then I want some ice cream.───苏珊: 再做五个仰卧起坐. 然后,我想吃点冰淇淋.
Edna : Sit - ups. Ladies. Get on you backs.───爱德娜: 仰卧起坐, 女士们. 躺下去.
We throw bean bags and do sit - ups.───我们玩丢沙包而且做仰卧起坐.
You can squeeze in some sit ups during the AD breaks on TV in the evenings.───晚上电视的广告时间你可以做些仰卧起坐。
Doing sit - ups is an effective way to exercise abdominal muscles.───仰卧起坐是锻炼腹部肌肉的有效办法.
If you can do 100 sit - ups every day, you will have a six - pack look soon.───如果你每天都可以做100个仰卧起坐, 你很快就会有六块肌.
I do sit - ups to radio music every day.───我每天都做广播体操.
You can't remove a big fat belly by doing sit ups.───你不能通过仰卧起坐减去腹部的赘肉.
A walrus is even doing push - ups and sit - ups with the trainer.───一只海象也在根训练员一起做 俯卧撑 和仰卧起坐.
I can do fifty sit - ups at a time!───我一次能做五十下仰卧起坐!
Do sit ups and push ups during commercial breaks while watching TV.───在看电视进广告的间隙做仰卧起坐和俯卧撑。
She used to do sit - ups before sleep, but not now.───她过去睡觉前常做仰卧起坐, 但现在不做了.
Q: Will sit - ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?───问: 做仰卧起坐可不可以让我不长出肚球?
Daniela : Um , um, I think to do sit - ups?───嗯嗯我想是做仰卧起坐?
Run every day, sit - ups, push - up can reduce weight?───天天跑步, 仰卧起坐, 俯卧撑 能减肥 吗 ?
Will sit - ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?───仰卧起坐能让俺拥有柔软苗条的小蛮腰 么 ?
Sit ups: Being chair-bound for too long can raise the risk of high blood pressure, a sluggish metabolism and weight gain.───站起来! 久坐对身体的危害包括高血压,代谢减缓和体重增加。
If you're after a six pack, forget about crunches and sit ups and try the bicycle technique instead.
At best, children get involved in sports, but many merely go through the motions of a physical education class and barely learn how to do push ups and sit ups.
Washboard abs do not come from millions of sit ups ; they come from having low levels of body fat.
- sit upright
- sit off
- sit doan
- situated in
- sitting on
- sitt ng
- situational dialogues
- sitting pretty
- sitz bath for hemorrhoids
- situated learning theory
- sit baclooknice
- sitting still
- sit behind
- sit in the back
- sits around
- sit bythe river
- sits next
- sit on your hands
- sit with us
- sitting in
- sit properly