I think volunteering is very meaningful
Launching an Olympic volunteer recruiting campaign?───组织奥运志愿者.
Rejoicing over the decision, the peasants rushed to volunteer for the work.───农民对这决定感到兴高采烈, 跑去自愿参加这项工程.
Olympic volunteer hopefuls from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan standabetter chance if they are bilingual.───港 、 、地区会说中英两种语言的候选人被选拔为奥运会志愿者的可能性较大.
From the year 2002, a volunteer information system will be established and in operation.───从2002年起, 逐步建立和完善北京志愿者信息服务系统.
Bush to help foster and encourage a culture of volunteer service and civic participation among Americans.───这个会议是布希总统召集的,用来提倡鼓吹美国人民的义工服务与公众参与.
I will volunteer my daughters for helping the church sale.───我会使自己的女儿自愿帮助教堂出售东西.
Victory in the civil war had been achieved by a mainly volunteer army.───一支主要由志愿军组成的队伍取得了内战的胜利。
She often does volunteer labour during holidays.───放假时她常去参加义务劳动.
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- volunteer work
- volunteer activities
- volunteer for peace
- volunteers wanted
- volunteer to do
- volunteered to do sth
- volunteer to do something
- volunteer club
- volunteer for sth
- volunteer for