(使)端坐; 晚睡; 熬夜; <口>引起注意
silt up───淤泥充塞
sit ups───pl.仰卧起坐
sits up───熬夜;端坐
spit up───vt.喷出,吐出
suit up───穿上特种用途的全套服装
fit up───装配,装合;装备
hit up───请求
kit up───装备
lit up───点火,点灯;变快活(lightup的过去式)
If I was ever sick I'd be happy to have you sit up with me.───要是我真病了,你能守着我,那我才高兴呢.
She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow.───她坐了起来,露出痛苦的表情,又有气无力地倒在枕头上。
Sit up straight. Don't slouch.───挺起胸坐直,别歪歪斜斜的。
Toad began to sit up in his chair again, and to smirk a little.───癞蛤蟆坐在椅子上,又开始发出微微的憨笑.
Sit up and have your medicine.───起来吃药吧.
" Don't sit up . " the boy said.───“ 别坐起来, ” 孩子说.
Sit up straight: don't bend over your desk.───坐端正: 不要将身体俯伏在书桌上.
Fold your arms and sit up straight!───两臂交叉,坐直!
He told the children to sit up and not slouch.───他告诉孩子们坐直,别没精打采的.
A defeat like that makes you sit up and think.───那样的一次失败会令你警觉起来,开始思考。
I shall get back late, so don't sit up for me.───我要晚回来, 所以别熬夜等我.
She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby.───她扶她在床上坐起来,这样她就可以抱着宝宝了。
Sit up straight and keep your arms on the table.───坐得要直,并将你的手臂防在桌子上.
I had to sit up all night writing t.───hereport.我不得不熬通宵写报告.
I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.───我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来.
We don't allow the children to sit up late.───我们不允许孩子们熬夜.
Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.───连最不感兴趣的学生都开始坐直了听讲。
The patient was but poorly able to sit up.───病人仅能勉强坐起来.
They expected me to sit up and shoot the breeze with them till one or two in the morning.───他们希望我晚上熬夜陪他们聊天到凌晨一两点。
The patient was soon able to sit up.───病人很快就能坐起来了.
Why do you often sit up late?───你为什么常熬夜?
He would not be back till late , so Petey and Granddad could sit up and talk.───可彼得从没想到爸爸真会把爷爷送走,直到今晚看到爸爸带回这床毛毯.
At first the boy had not seemed much interested in what the teacher was saying, but when the teacher called him, he began to sit up.───起初那男孩子似乎对老师说的话不太感兴趣, 但是当老师叫他的时候, 他才开始用心听讲了.
It is sufficiently fierce story to make an old judge and a respectable jury sit up.───这简直是一件相当残暴的案子,即使是老资格的审判官和值得尊敬的陪审团也都一定会有点震惊.
Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.───即使最漠不关心的学生都开始坐直身子听了。
The child cannot sit up or bend his head forward.───这个孩子不能端坐或者把他的头向前伸.
This should make people sit up and take notice.───这件事应引起人们的关注。
She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow.───她开始坐起来,痛苦地皱着脸,又虚弱地靠回到枕头上。
Can the patient sit up?───病人能坐起来 吗 ?
Your child may sit up in bed, or walk around the room, screaming or talking senselessly.───孩子或坐在床上, 或在屋里走来走去, 尖叫或胡言乱语.
Mrs. JOnes will sit up until both of her daughters get home from the dance.───琼期太太要等她两个女儿跳舞回来才去睡觉.
- sit upright
- sit off
- sit doan
- situated in
- sitting on
- sitt ng
- situational dialogues
- sitting pretty
- sitz bath for hemorrhoids
- situated learning theory
- sit baclooknice
- sitting still
- sit behind
- sit in the back
- sits around
- sit bythe river
- sits next
- sit on your hands
- sit with us
- sitting in
- sit properly