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词汇 bright light
释义 bright light
bright light发音



bright lights───明亮的灯光;大城市

night light───夜间照明灯,通夜灯火

bright sunlight───明亮的阳光

bright moonlight───月光光

high light───高亮度;光线最亮部分

night flight───[航]夜间飞行

night lights───夜间照明灯,通夜灯火


straight fight───直接战斗


The moon cast a bright light over the yard.───明亮的月光洒在院子里。

He blinked at me when I suddenly flashed the bright light in his face.───我在他脸上闪照亮光时,他向我瞬目而视.

Bright light disconcerted her.───耀眼的光射得她不知所措.

Bright light is the painter's best friend.───明亮的光线对画家最有利.

Obviously during the observation no bright light should interfere.───很明显在观测期间不应有亮光的干扰.

Darts of bright light shot asunder , darkness swept over the centre of the lake.───明亮的光标飞向四方, 黑暗趁虚而入席卷了湖心.

Her diamonds sparkled in the bright light.───她的钻石在亮光下闪闪发光.

The pupil becomes smaller in bright light and larger in dim light.───光线强时瞳孔变小,弱时变大.

In bright light, the pupil shrinks.───在太亮的光线里(看东西), 瞳孔会收缩.

Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.───把灯光调暗一些——躺着时眼前灯光太强很不舒服。

I closed my eyes against the bright light.───我闭上眼睛以防强光的照射。

There stood Heidi, with bare feet and in her white night-gown, looking bewildered at the bright light and the weapons.───那里,光着脚,穿着白色的睡衣,看着明亮的灯光和武器,茫然无措。

The bright light of the car dazzled me.───这汽车的灯光使我目眩.

Shielding his eyes from the bright light, he looked far out to sea to watch for the ship's arrival.───他用手遮住强光向大海眺望,观察那艘船的到来.

The torch shed a bright light on the path ahead.───手电筒把前面的小路照得通明.

The bright light made him wink.───强烈的光使他直眨眼睛.

The bright light made her look away.───强光使她把视线转向别处。

You can open the slats for a bright light or angle them for more shade.───可以调节百叶窗使光线亮一些,也可以暗一些。


The bright light made her look away.

Bright light affects the eyes.

Shielding his eyes from the bright light, he looked far out to sea to watch for the ship's arrival.

The moon cast a bright light over the yard.

She can't resist the lure of the bright light.

Pupils contract in bright light, and dilate in darkness.

Bright light is the painter's best friend.

Bright light spreads all over the room.

I closed my eyes against the bright light.

  • bright nose
  • brightest star
  • bright my day
  • bright colored tiles
  • brightness adjust
  • brightest headlights
  • brightly coloured
  • brightening headlights
  • brightened up
  • brighten music
  • brightening gel doterra
  • brightest planet
  • brighten song
  • bright up
  • brightening serum
  • brightens tightens
  • brighter future ahead
  • bright led
  • bright side
  • bright y
  • brightened the lives of




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