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词汇 caving in to
释义 caving in to
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caving in───塌落;认输

coming into───进入;得到

coming on to───开始;兴盛;对…轻薄,吃豆腐

eating into───侵蚀

lacing into───猛烈进攻;遣责

laying into───v.痛打;痛斥

moving into───移入;迁入新居


In particular, the launch by nestle, a food giant, of Partners' Blend, a Fairtrade coffee, has convinced activists that the Fairtrade movement is caving in to big business.───值得一提的是,食品巨头雀巢公司出品的一款公平贸易咖啡产品—PartnersBlend(混合伴侣),让公平贸易活动人士认为公平贸易运动已经向大企业屈服。

This is risky for the government, which will be accused of vacillating or even caving in to foreign pressure.───对孟加拉国政府而言,这是存有风险的,孟加拉国政府可能会被指责行事优柔寡断,甚至屈服于外国压力。

I have always respected her for never caving in to what the public wanted to see from her.───我一直好崇拜她,她从来没有被舆论压倒过。

The HK government needs to grow a backbone and face up to its own pollution problems and stop caving in to money.───香港政府必须挺直他们的脊梁骨,正视他们的环境问题,并且停止向金钱屈服。

And caving in to the Romanians, Bucharest clearly wants to add to its territory by grabbing up in one fell swoop the north of Transylvania.───因为匈牙利向罗马尼亚人的屈服,布加勒斯特很清楚想一举拿下北特兰西瓦尼亚,加进自己的领土。

But in this age of caving in to strident minority groups, it's nice to see that occasionally common sense can reign supreme.───在这个屈服于少数群体主张的时代,很高兴能看到大多数人的意见偶尔地能够占据统治地位。

Behind the scenes, too, the pure president was caving in to the allurements of his job.───幕后,这位纯粹的总统也没能完全扛住职位带来的诱惑。

Nationalist groups accuse Hanoi of caving in to pressure from commodities-hungry China by allowing the mining project to go forward.───民族主义团体指责河内屈服于中国的压力,允许这个采矿项目推进。

But faced with criticism that the administration is turning its back on missile defense in Europe and caving in to Russia.───但是,新的计划遭遇批评,称奥巴马政府背弃了欧洲的导弹防御系统,向俄罗斯屈服。


HAD Ireland's government expected to be rewarded by investors after caving in to pressure to seek salvation from the European Union and the IMF, it was soon disabused.

We were afraid that Fifi was caving in to family pressure and regressing into some nice third-world girl.

Caving in to army pressure, he suspended the constitution and dissolved Congress.

They accused the government, which is led by Hindu nationalists, of caving in to foreign pressure.

  • caving in to




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