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词汇 caving in
释义 caving in
caving in发音




having in───贮存

calling in───召集;召来

cashing in───兑现;收到……货款


baking in───烘烤

coming in───开始;进入

fading in───淡入;渐显

giving in───v.屈服;让步;交上


Contemporary illustrations show cathedral spires collapsing, vaults caving in, high scaffolding keeling over in a chaos of planks and poles.───同时代的画作显示了大教堂尖塔的倾倒,拱顶的塌陷,高高的脚手架倒在一片八七八糟的木板和柱子中。

Even big firms are reportedly caving in, particularly for those writing large cheques.───即使是大公司也已经屈服,尤其是涉及大额度费用时。

It beats us all the time - not just with eating, but with anything we try to do and end up quitting, caving in, doing it despite our best efforts.───它在所有的事情上都打败了我们——不仅仅是关于吃东西,还有关于任何我们尝试做但最终以放弃告终的事情上,并且屈服,尽管我们做出了最大的努力还是失败了。

The HK government needs to grow a backbone and face up to its own pollution problems and stop caving in to money.───香港政府必须挺直他们的脊梁骨,正视他们的环境问题,并且停止向金钱屈服。

And caving in to the Romanians, Bucharest clearly wants to add to its territory by grabbing up in one fell swoop the north of Transylvania.───因为匈牙利向罗马尼亚人的屈服,布加勒斯特很清楚想一举拿下北特兰西瓦尼亚,加进自己的领土。

But in this age of caving in to strident minority groups, it's nice to see that occasionally common sense can reign supreme.───在这个屈服于少数群体主张的时代,很高兴能看到大多数人的意见偶尔地能够占据统治地位。

In 1981, as the roof was caving in, it seemed to our company a merger might be the only way out.───1981年,我们的情况岌岌可危,同另一家公司合并似乎是我们公司唯一的出路。

I jumped to my feet with the covers still in my hand, as though I thought the roof was caving in.───当时,我以为屋顶就要塌了,于是一手抓起衣服就从床上跳下来。

by caving in so completely on the first round, Mr. Obama set a baseline for even bigger concessions over the next few months.───奥巴马先生在第一回合就如此完全地屈服,从未为未来几个月内更大的让步设下了底线。


Strike leaders are privately saying they would like an end to the dispute, but don't want to be seen to be caving in.

Wooden beams support the roof, preventing it from caving in on the miners.

They accused the government, which is led by Hindu nationalists, of caving in to foreign pressure.

We were afraid that Fifi was caving in to family pressure and regressing into some nice third-world girl.

The compromise that would reopen the government was widely interpreted in the press as Republicans caving in.

It is clear that the walls around the governor are caving in.

In October, on 3 October 1985, I was feeling so depressed I thought the walls were caving in on me.

Caving in to army pressure, he suspended the constitution and dissolved Congress.

The horizontal section top coal caving in steep seam is different from the gently inclined seam.

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