

词汇 to reply
释义 to reply
to reply发音



to replay───重放

to refly───再充气

to rely───依靠

to repay───报答

to reapply───重新申请

to replevy───回答

to re-lay───重新铺设


The question caught her completely off-guard and she did not know how to reply.───这个问题令她猝不及防,不知道怎么回答。

Hardly anyone has bothered to reply.───几乎没人动嘴回答。

The King was about to reply contemptuously, when Hugo said, interrupting, "Peace!"───国王正打算轻蔑地回答,雨果插嘴说:“别说话!”

I still remember the day when their brains to reply that he does not know from where you come out of nowhere?───是否还记得每天总要我绞尽脑汁,去回答不知道你从哪里冒出来的吗?

Did not know when can be able to reply?───不知道什么时候能得到回复,请认证我的网站。

But when I used to ask why you didn't come to my gigs, you used to reply that you supported me by paying the bills for my music lessons.───但当我问你为什么不来参加我的演唱会,你总是说你给我付上音乐课的学费来支持我。

The hope looked reaches this point the message friends to be able to give us to reply, provides the recommendation.───希望看到此留言的朋友们能给我们回复,提供建议。

She was too nervous to reply , but fortunately she did not need to say nothing .───她紧张的无法答话,但是幸运的是她什么也不需要说。

Elizabeth was trying so hard not to laugh at the idea of Mr Collins being carried away by his feelings that she was unable to reply.───听到柯林斯先生所谓的被感情冲昏头脑,伊丽莎白使劲地憋住才没有笑出声来,以至于未能答出话来。


Hardly anyone has bothered to reply.

He was too racked by sobs to reply.

I try to reply to letters the day I receive them.

It's your turn now to reply to these charges.

Their failure to reply to our letter seems to imply a lack of interest.

He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.

She hung her head, not sure how to reply.

He did not deign to reply.

I am puzzled by his failure to reply.

  • told you so
  • tortoise and the hare
  • to put on
  • tome unlocks
  • to step up to the bar
  • to the left of
  • too close
  • to mr
  • to big box
  • took effect
  • to travel
  • to may baby
  • tower of strength
  • to the west of
  • to approve
  • to want me
  • took shape
  • tolerated cld
  • to sue
  • to get him
  • to say happy




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