

词汇 takes a photo
释义 takes a photo
takes a photo发音



makes a photocopy───复印

take a hit───遭受打击;受到影响

take a shit───拉屎(美国俚语)

takes apart───拆开;剖析;粗暴对待

take a shot at───射击;尝试去做

make a photocopy───复印

take a bath───洗个澡

take a bow───鞠躬答谢

take a hike───走路;滚开;哪凉快那歇着去


My grandpa often takes a photo of her as if she is beside him.───我爷爷经常把我奶奶的照片带在身上,就好像奶奶在他身边一样。

No one takes a photo of themselves while watching TV so they can put it on Facebook.───没有人会在看电视时为自己拍照留念并把照片发到facebook上共享。

computer takes a photo of the user, and matches it against a database of registered users.───电脑会拍下用户的照片,并与注册用户的信息进行比对。

SCULLY takes a photo of CARL WORMUS's dead body with an evidence camera and hands it to REYES.───史高丽用证据照相机给卡尔沃姆斯的尸体照相,把照片递给瑞斯。

The computer takes a photo of the user, and matches it against a database of registered users.───电脑会拍下用户的照片,并与注册用户的信息进行比对。

First Justin takes a photo with English teacher, Teacher Chris!───大贝贝先和外籍老师合照!

Mrs. Xu takes a photo in the sample house───徐夫人蒋彦红女士在样板房内留影

She takes a photo and she cuts him out───她拍下一张照片,她把他从照片上剪掉


As soon as somebody takes a photo, I shall send you one.

  • takes bus
  • takes time
  • takes out
  • takes a photo
  • takes over




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