hair style───n.发型
acting style───表演风格
art scene───艺术现场
In order to more people, Italian artist praise from Greek and Roman art style.───为了更多的赞美人, 意大利的艺术家借鉴古希腊罗马的艺术风格.
In his novels of this period, art style is sorrow and desolateand artistic skill mature gradually.───这一时期他的小说风格深沉苍凉,创作手法日趋成熟.
Moreover, he developed his martial art style which was more of an idea of being flexible and practical with learning martial arts.───而且,他还发展了他自己的武术风格,这种风格更多地体现了在学习武术时要灵活和实用的观点。
Performing fan drum a crisp, lively, witty, humorous art style by the local people welcome.───扇鼓表演明快 、 活泼 、 诙谐 、 风趣的艺术风格,深受当地人民欢迎.
However, we're still committed to an art style that's globally acceptable.───然而, 我们仍然制作全球性地可接受的一种艺术风格.
I really like the fun art style and great character designs.───我非常中意它有趣的美术风格和良好的角色设计.
Barrel - shaped watch cases, the stress has been popular decorative art style.───酒桶形的表壳, 强调了一直广受欢迎的装饰艺术风格.
different ways of handling frontier line in oil painting works are the symbols of personalized art language and art style.───油画作品中边缘线处理方式各不相同,它是一种个性化艺术语言和艺术风格的标志性符号。
The game has a fun hand-drawn art style and is extremely smooth to play, even on older phones.───游戏采用有趣的手绘风格,即使是在老手机上也运行非常流畅。
That's why they are sure they've hit the right art style for the game.───所以这就是为什么他们如此确定他们已经为游戏选择了合适的艺术风格的原因.
Lin Zhiying the mix can well be imagined recognition, as always, the sound art style.───林志英的混音是可想而知的面目全非, 一如既往的soundart风格.
Charles Baudelaire, a former impressionistic poet with special art style, whose poetry is rich in artistic expressive force.
The art value results from art style of the essays own, while the art style is determined by its factualism.
We pay great attention to the original art style of archaize bronze.
As we well known, the judge of film biography does not leave the auctorial art style and consciousness of main body himself.
He influenced a generation aesthetic judgment fashion with unexpected and dangerous artistic conception and innovative format and humoristic art style.
The "naive art style" here refers to an art style of creation that is in pursuit of the raw, simple and primitive vitality, as if they had never received any professional training and regulation.
Crystalline glaze has broadly reported and gained favors of customers for its particular art style.
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