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词汇 a ruler
释义 a ruler
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gag rules───言论限制法规(立法机构内的);禁止对某问题进行公开议论或辩论的规定



em rules───破折号

en rules───[印刷]半身铅线


There has a pencil-box, an eraser, a book and a ruler.───有一个铅笔盒、一块橡皮、一本书和一把尺子。

He cracked me on the head with a ruler.───他用尺子猛击我的头部。

He thwacked the desk with a ruler.───他用尺子重敲桌子。

He first measured his foot with a ruler and then took a piece of straw and marked the length of his foot on it.───他便先用尺把脚量了,又用一根稻草比下尺码。

the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.───神却藉那在荆棘中显现之使者的手,差派他作首领,作救赎的。

Relatives and friends for ChuDong prop up solid backing, appreciate the opponents of a ruler of him going.───亲人与朋友为楚东支撑起坚实的后盾,惺惺相惜的对手则成为他前进的标尺。

Ready to do a good job, and I also found a ruler and scissors are a sparkling wrapping paper, I finally could begin.───准备工作做好了,我又找来了尺子和剪刀还有一张亮晶晶的包装纸,我总算可以开始了。

A group of Germans living in Samoa forced the islands' ruler from power. They replaced him with a ruler who was more friendly to Germany.───在萨摩亚居住的一些德国人逼迫岛国的统治者交出政权。他们换上了一个对德国友好的人当统治者。

MeasureIt! allows you to draw out a ruler that will help you get the pixel width and height of any elements on a webpage.───“量量它!”让你通过掂拿一把尺来检测出网站上的任何元素的像素高宽。


This is a ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres.

He cracked me on the head with a ruler.

A king is a ruler.

He ruled the paper with a ruler.

She gave my hand a whack with a ruler.

I ask to borrow a ruler.

Draw a line with a ruler.

The country was without a ruler after the queen died.

He thwacked the desk with a ruler.

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