

词汇 surprise party
释义 surprise party
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surprise parties───惊喜聚会

spoiler party───搅局派对



surprise arrival───突然到来

socialist party───社会党

stretcher party───担架队

bridge party───桥牌聚会

buck's party───巴克的派对


Mike got wind of our forthcoming engagement and laid on a surprise party for us.───麦克得知我们即将订婚,结果他为我们组织了一次意想不到的聚会.

Edward caught wind of our forthcoming engagement and laid on a surprise party for us.───爱德华得知我们即将订婚,结果为我们组织了一次意想不到的聚会.

Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.───本告诉拉娜,玛西娅打算给她举行一场惊喜的聚会.

Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party.───他们瞒着她筹备了一个给她意外惊喜的聚会。

Keep mum about our surprise party.───不要讲有关我们出其不意的派对的事.

She threw a surprise party for her unsuspecting husband.───她为她毫不知情的丈夫举办了一个惊喜聚会。

I want to throw her a surprise party.───我想帮她办个惊喜派对.

Why aren't you out at my house helping Melly get ready for the surprise party? "───你怎么没在我家里帮媚兰准备那个秘密的宴会 呢 ?

The surprise party , by the way , is based on a true story, too.───好吧,关于惊喜派对, 基本上也是真有其事.

The surprise party was Jane's idea.───那次惊喜聚会是简的主意。

First of all, Marcia told Ben she was having a surprise party for Lana.───首先, 玛西娅告诉本,她要给拉娜举行一场惊喜聚会.

Let's have a surprise party for Li Ming!───我们为李明开个晚会,让他惊喜一下!

There is a real surprise party for him - his final paycheck.───有一件真使他大吃一惊的事等着他呢 - 他被解雇了.

The surprise party was a complete failure.───这个惊喜聚会办的很糟糕.

Let's throw her surprise party.───我们办个舞会,让她惊喜一下.

The surprise party turned out as flat as a pancake, ie was very disappointing.───这次本想让大家感到惊奇的聚会到头来却十分扫兴.

What? Are you throwing me a surprise party?───干什么? 你在帮我办惊喜派对 吗 ?


He's plotting a surprise party for his wife's birthday.

I'm organizing a surprise party for my sister.

Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party.

Keep mum about our surprise party.

The surprise party was Jane's idea.

She went and blabbed about Ernie's surprise party.

It's a surprise party, so I don't want her to find out about it.

Ann's arranging a surprise party for Russell's birthday.

Someone spilled the beans about Rick's surprise party.





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