

词汇 shipping documents
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shipping documents发音




shipping departments───航运部门

shipping agents───[交]运货代理商;装船代理处;运货经纪人

shipping department───成品库;运输部门

shipping agent───[交]运货代理商;装船代理处;运货经纪人

shipping clerks───货物打包及装运者;运务员(负责监管和记录货物运输的)

shipping forecasts───航运预测

shipping losses───运输损失

shipping out───运出;坐船到国外去

shipping rooms───码头发货仓库


M: Then the shipping documents have to be attached.───M:那必须附加上货运单据。

We usually accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit against shipping documents.───通常只不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据付款.

This is one set of the shipping documents coverning the consignment.───这是一套这批货的装运单据.

Fifthly, we should strictly examine the shipping documents before payment.───第五, 我们在付款前一定要严格审查运货凭证.

He tendered the shipping documents required.───他递交了必要的装货单据.

We require immediate payment upon presentation of shipping documents.───我们要求贵方在收到货运单据后,即刻支付货款.

The shipping documents are to be delivered to you against payment only.───装运单据于付款后交至贵公司.

Weaccept payment by irrevocable letter of credit against shipping documents.───我们只接受不可撤消的、凭装运单据付款的信用证.

When you send the shipping documents, please provide the receipt to us.───客户说寄运输单据给他的时候还要什么啊?

Let me hand you these shipping documents one by one.───让我把装船单据一件件地交给你吧.

Shipping documents issued by following shipping companies are not acceptable.───由以下船公司出的运输单据是不能接受的.

This is one set of the shipping documents covering the consignment.───这是一套这批货的装运单据。

We usually accept payment by irrevocable L against shipping documents.───我们采用不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方法.

Enclosed is our set of the shipping documents covering this consignment.───随附我们关于此货的全套海运提单.

I have brought one set of the duplicates of our shipping documents.───我给你带来了我方的一整套装船的各项单据的副本.

The latter tenders him the shipping documents.───后者向他交付单据.

According to the shipping documents, transshipment and partial shipment are permitted.───根据装船单据, 允许转船和分批装运.


According to the shipping documents, transshipment and partial shipment are permitted.

We request you include the shipped B/L in shipping documents without fail.

We require immediate payment upon presentation of shipping documents.

In addition to the ordinary shipping documents, please also submit Certificate of Origin for each shipment.

JAS seal must appear on all possible shipping documents such as invoices and transportation documents.

Documentary draft: A draft has shipping documents of title to goods attached to it.

When the collecting bank receives the shipping documents it delivers them to the importer, usually against a "trust receipt" by which the bank retains, in name only, the ownership of the shipment.

The Consignee shall collect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignor's bank against Trust Receipt duly signed by the Consignee.

Required on official shipping documents for tax assessment purposes, a tariff code ensures uniformity of product classification world wide.

  • shipping wars
  • shipping agent
  • shipping industry
  • shipping labels
  • shipping apis
  • shipping cost
  • shipping company




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