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词汇 scoop out
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v.接应,舀出; 剜


scoops out───舀出,挖出;接应

scooped out───舀出,挖出;接应

cool out───vt.使放松;vi.寻求休息

cop out───逃避;放弃;自首并告密;避重就轻地认罪

crop out───突然发生;出现

poop out───丧失功能,丧失活力;(使)筋疲力尽,(使)疲乏

scoop up───用铲子取;兜接,舀上来;抢购一空;(敏捷地)抱起来


Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.───将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。

Used to blend and scoop out lotions, creams, gels and masks, ensure products are not contaminated.───搅拌和从盒中提取乳液 、 乳霜 、 凝胶和面膜, 确保成品不被污染.

Scoop out the rotten part of the pear.───把梨烂的地方剜掉.

Scoop out the pulp and serve it with sugar.───把果肉挖出来和糖一起食用.

Scoop out a cup and put into a glass jar, covered loosely, in fridge.───勺取出1杯放入玻璃罐, 盖上保鲜膜存放到冰箱.

rotten part of the pear.───梨烂的地方挖掉。

Forests are clear - cut , seams are blasted and massive diggers scoop out the mountain's coal.───清除森林, 炸开煤层,巨大的挖掘机挖出山体里的煤矿.

The data scoop out in the ERP of each got the application.───数据挖掘在erp的各个方面都得到了应用.

Scoop out that remaining bit of lipstick from the tube with a lip brush. You'll be surprised at how many applications remain.───用唇刷把唇膏管里剩余的一点唇膏挖出来,你会惊讶于还剩下多少好用。

Scoop out ice - cream with spoon.───用汤匙舀冰激凌.

Cut a kiwifruit in half, then scoop out the flesh with a spoon.───将猕猴桃切成一半, 然后用汤匙舀出新鲜组织.

Scoop out the rotten part of the apple.───把苹果烂的地方剜掉.

Scoop out the an avocado into your blender . Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.───把鳄梨放入搅拌机, 再加入其它原料一起打成浆即可.

The analytic need in the multi - machine caused data warehouse and data scoop out the technical development.───联机分析的需求引起了数据仓库及数据挖掘技术的发展.

Scoop out with your fingers and massage into your skin as often as required.───以手指取出适当分量,按摩于肌肤上,可于需要时使用.


Scoop out the melon flesh.

  • scoop cake
  • scoop out
  • scoop death
  • scooping motion
  • scooping up
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