

词汇 worth while
释义 worth while
worth while发音




short while───很短的时间

worth your while───值得你……


North Pole───n.北极

earth wire───接地线;架空地线


the while───同时

to while───到while


It is worth while to read the book.───读这本书是值得的.

It lightened his feelings for him. It made the morning worth while.───它使他的感情变得活泼, 它使清晨那么美好有意义.

We judged it warn't worth while.───我们认为不值得。

It is worth while to discuss [ discussing ] the problem.───这个问题值得讨论一下.

It is worth while to learn English.───学英文是值得的.

Carrie was listening without attempting to reply. She could think of nothing worth while to say.───“嘉莉专心听着,没打算回答, 她想不出什么值得说的话.

was worth while to be a pirate, after all.───毕竟当海盗是值得的。

It is worth while to take a trip abroad.───到国外旅行是值得的.

It is worth while visiting [ to visit ] the place.───这地方值得参观.

I don't think it's worth while.───我认为犯不上.

When would some paper think her photo worth while?───什么时候会有份报纸认为她的照片值得一登 呢 ?

We will make the performance worth while. You do that now. "───我们要使这场演出像个样子, 你一定要成功. ”

It seemed well worth while to chance it, so he fell to groaning with considerable spirit.───看来还是值得一试的,所以他开始煞有其事地呻吟起来。

It is worth while to see the museum.───参观博物馆是有益的.

It was only when he could get nothing but insults that death seemed worth while.───只有当他除了遭受侮辱,什么都讨不到的时候,好像才值得去死.

I'd think it well worth while to go.───我觉得很值得一去.

Only the newspapers and his own thoughts were worth while.───唯一值得做的就是看看报纸和独自思考.

It is worth while to ruminate over his remarks.───他的话值得玩味.


It is worth while to ruminate over his remarks.

  • worth doing
  • worthwhile to do
  • worthwhile cause
  • worthiness boils down to this
  • worth while
  • worthless priceless invaluable




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