working dogs───工作犬
louping ills───跳跃病
shipping rooms───码头发货仓库
shipping tons───装运吨
wiping down───把…上下揩干净
working days───[劳经]工作日
working dog───工作犬;牧羊犬
working girls───女工
Even while these people were worshiping the Lord, they were serving their idols.───如此这些民又惧怕耶和华,又事奉他们的偶像。
ways of the Kings of Israel and also made cast idols for worshiping the Baals.───以色列诸王的道,又铸造巴力的像。
They wanted to stop worshiping idols from the past; like Mladic's victims, their lives had been shattered by the wars, too.───他们不希望继续崇拜这个曾经的英雄;他们和穆拉迪克的受害者一样,也生活在战争的阴影之中。
Other biblical prophets pointed out that priests had started worshiping idols in the temple and engaging in pagan rituals.───圣经里还有先知也指出,牧师们曾有崇拜偶像的事,从异教徒的礼仪。
- worshiping ancestors
- worshiping idols