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词汇 public utility
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public utilities───公用事业;公共设施

public policy───国家政策

public spirit───公益精神,公德心

public spirits───公益精神,公德心

public toilet───公厕;人民公厕

public building───公共建筑

public humiliation───当众侮辱




Civilian battalion capital participates in public utility construction, this still is belonged to in Shanghai first.───民营资本参与公用事业建设, 这在上海尚属首例.

To develop stability of the public utility system and fair pricing.───发展公共设施体系的稳定性和公平收费体系.

As a series of special industries, public utility a very important role in the national economy.───公用事业作为具有特殊性质的一类行业, 在国民经济中具有重要作用和意义.

SONES is a public utility charged with planning and investing in water infrastructure.───SONES是一个负责水利基础设施规划和投资的公共组织。

However, industrial and public utility plate intraday rebound, helping the major indexes recovered after early losses.───但工业以及公共事业板块盘中反弹, 帮助主要股指收复了早盘的失地.

We have complete management system, abundant technical force and public utility.───具有完善的管理体系 、 雄厚的技术力量和配套的公用设施.

Pays attention to the environmental protection and the public utility in the walk process.───在步行过程中关注环保和公益事业.

This is all the more important for public utility networks like doctors and police.───这对于由医生、警察等组成的公共事业网络来说更为重要。

Introducing competitive mechanism is the core problem that public utility commercializes reform.───引入竞争机制是公用事业市场化改革的核心问题.

Public utility electricity power plant.───公用事业电力厂.

Basal Establishment and Public Utility Items We will construct ports, railway, highway, bridges and so on.───(六)础设施和公益性项目.建设港口 、 路 、 路 、 型桥梁以及市政设施项目.

Public Utility Fee: Water, electricity, gas , telephone , TV program , Internet, etc.───公用事业费: 水 、 电 、 煤气 、 电话费, 收视费,宽带等.

Wyatt: So you've complained to the Public Utility Commission too.───怀亚特: 啊,你也向公用事业委员会投诉啦.

The public utility model, a school bus ping machines, processing machinery involved in bus technology.───本实用新型公开了一种母线校平机, 涉及母线加工机械技术领域.

A part is occasionally employed in works of public utility.───偶尔也用一部分修建公共工程.

Some organizations rent the platforms from municipalities and public utility companies.───有些经营种子园的组织,从政府机关或公用公司租用这些机具.

Decommissioning of a public utility electricity power plant.───解除公用事业设施─发电厂的运作.

So was property and public utility.───产业和公用事业也属于他们.

The transformation of the Public Utility Commission.───转型公用事业委员会.

Nor did I know there were such people in the public utility business as Mr. London.───我也不知道公用事业界还有象伦敦先生这样的工作人员.

We can achieve development of public utility trough the comprehensive control measures.───只有综合运用系统的规制措施,才能实现公用事业的良性发展.

The price is a core issue in franchise system of municipal public utility industry.───在市政公用行业特许经营制度中价格是一个核心的问题.

Utility computing is paying for what you use on Shared servers like you pay for a public utility (such as electricity, gas, and so on).───效用计算就是支付在共享服务器上使用的服务,就好象支付公共事业一样(比如电力、天然气等)。

Along with water and electricity, gas is an indispensable public utility.───和水及电一样, 气也是不可缺少的公共服务.

Price regulation is the best way to regulate the public utility.───进行价格规制是政府规制公用企业经营行为的最佳方式.

As a public utility, the street lamp of Public administration is laden with social responsibility.───公共路灯管理机构作为公用事业单位, 担负着重要的社会职责.

Administer all industrial estates to continuously develop and maintain high standard of its public utility.───管理支持所有的工业园区保持连续的发展和维持公共设施的高标准.

In addition, the development of the public utility requires lowering the cost and heightening the efficiency.───另外, 公用事业的发展也需要降低成本、提高效益等.

It is an urgent choice to advance the market reformation of Urban Public Utility.───推进我国城市公用事业市场化改革,是当前的一项迫切选择.

After replacement, the company will become the field of environmental protection, a public utility enterprises.───置换后, 公司将成为一家公用事业领域的环保企业.

  • public administration
  • public square
  • public office
  • publicity pamphlet
  • public land
  • public figure
  • public nuisance
  • public lands
  • public address system
  • public class
  • public policy officials
  • public relation
  • public welfare
  • public house
  • public body touch
  • public relations
  • public holiday
  • publicity listings




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