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词汇 now try
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to try───尝试;试穿(试身);审判

snow tire───雪地轮胎

snow tyre───防滑轮胎,雪地轮胎

no entry───不准入内;禁止通行

now then───那么;喂

snow day───下雪天

snow tires───雪地轮胎(snowtire的复数)

snow train───开往冬季胜地的火车


Now try doing that in space.───现在试试在太空中做这件事。

He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.───他现在将尽力把任务缩减到能应对的程度。

We will now try to reassemble pieces of the wreckage.───我们现在会尽量把残骸重新组合起来。

It had earlier performed flights of up to 83 hours, and will now try to stay in the air for about two weeks.───它最早的飞行时间长达83小时,而现在将尝试在空中停留了大约两个星期。

Now try to understand the concept of a domain and how it fits in here.───现在,试着理解领域的概念以及它在这里的作用。

Hey, sit down! As I said before, if you're not careful, you'll get your head taken off in this factory. Now, try to pay attention.───嘿,坐下!正如我之前说的,你必须要仔细,不然你的脑袋就可能会搬家。现在试着集中注意力。

" Now try, " he said . The boys broke the sticks easily in their hands.───“现在,”他说。这个男孩打碎了棍子很容易在自己手中。

Now try to imagine for a moment an active-duty Army officer making the opposite argument, under his own byline, in the Times.───现在试想下这样一个情况:一名现役陆军军官在纽约时报以自己的名义发表与政府背道而驰的言论,而且是出于善意。

This data is likely to be mentioned at every opportunity by company bosses as they now try to restore their defences.───公司老板们如今尝试恢复抵御措施时,这个数据经常被引用。


I'll now try to define the term 'popular culture'.

He could take her upstairs now, try slowly to elicit some response from that virginal body.

But you were seen taking the book, now try to climb out of that one.

I shall now try to make explicit these other lines of thought about the location of bodily sensations.

We will now try to reassemble pieces of the wreckage.

He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.

Now, try as I might, I could not solve the problem.

Now try to lift or move your left leg.

Now try to imagine a ten followed by thirty noughts.

  • now i see your
  • now here
  • now you see me
  • now we stand
  • now the
  • now i go back
  • now words
  • now about
  • now with
  • now you see
  • now of never
  • now you
  • nowon your way
  • now try
  • now new nice
  • now you turn
  • now and again
  • now i work
  • now think
  • now you say
  • now go




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