

词汇 my shoes
释义 my shoes
my shoes发音



gym shoes───运动鞋

hot shoes───热靴插座;附件插座;闪光灯热靴座

old shoes───废物

sky shows───天空秀

tap shoes───踢踏鞋

toe shoes───芭蕾舞鞋

jelly shoes───果冻鞋


I lay down on the bed with my shoes off to have a snooze.───我脱了鞋,躺在床上打个盹儿。

The dog sniffed at my shoes.───那条狗嗅我的鞋。

My shoes caught his attention.───我的鞋子引起了他的注意。

My wife found a pair of my shoes and threw them to me across the former living room.───我的妻子发现了一双我的鞋,然后通过那曾经的客厅扔给我。

So when you watch us play this week, take a look at my shoes as well as everyone who wears green shoes this week.───当朋友们这周观看火箭队比赛的时候,一定要留意我的球鞋以及这周每一个穿绿色球鞋的球员。

How much are the shoes? Sorry, those are my shoes!───有多大的鞋子吗?对不起,那是我的鞋子!

"My feet started itching and I took off my shoes and there were all these baby ticks -- little ones, " he said.───“我的脚开始瘙痒,我脱下我的鞋子发现有很多蜱幼虫--小个体”,他说。

So far I had seen no one and I sat down by some bushes along the bank of the ditch and took off my shoes and emptied them of water.───我张望一下,周围没人,就在水沟边一些树木边坐下,脱掉靴子,倒出水来。

My last roommate was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it.───我上一个室友特喜欢小题大做。每次我进门忘了脱鞋,她就特生气,唠叨半天。


Put yourself in my shoes.

I've had my shoes resoled.

The mud clung to my shoes.

My shoes are small in comparison with my sister's.

My shoes are dirty with dust.

I sat down and took off my shoes and socks.

My shoes hurt-they're too tight.

My shoes were so tight that I could hardly walk.

My shoes were covered/plastered in/with mud.

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