

词汇 urgent treatment
释义 urgent treatment
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silent treatment───沉默对待;沉默相待

silent treatments───沉默对待;沉默相待

deny treatment───拒绝治疗

heat treatment───[机]热处理

prompt treatment───及时治疗

root treatment───根处理

emergency treatment───急诊;急症治疗

surgical treatment───外科治疗;外科疗法

hormone treatment───激素治疗


Now that the accident has happened, speedy recovery hinges on urgent treatment.───既然事故已经发生,要快速复苏,就要采取紧急对策。

Some types of cataracts in children require more urgent treatment than others.───某些类型的儿童白内障需要更为紧急的治疗。

This condition requires urgent treatment.───这种情况得紧急处理。

Police have claimed that when paramedics tried to move Mr Tomlinson away for urgent treatment, bottles were thrown at them by protesters.───警方声明护理人员曾试图为汤姆林森紧急治疗,但抗议者冲他们投掷瓶子。

Furthermore, fractures of the alveolar process and various soft tissue injuries but not dental fractures require urgent treatment.───此外,骨折的牙槽突和各种软组织受伤,但没有牙齿骨折需要紧急治疗。

Thus, solutions to the problems that need urgent treatment rely on information technologies.───依托信息技术解决或缓解上述问题已成为当务之急。

Malignant hypertension is a medical emergency and requires urgent treatment to prevent a stroke (brain damage).───恶性高血压是一种急症,需要紧急治疗来防止中风(脑部损害)。

Our supervisor's requirement is that you give an urgent treatment to the problem.───上司的要求是你必须马上处理这个紧急情况。


Severe lipaemia is rarely found but requires more urgent treatment.

He says a child with meningitis could need urgent treatment and may not get it fast enough because its too far.

Bacterial meningitis is quite a rare disease but it can be very serious and requires urgent treatment with antibiotics.

This condition requires urgent treatment.

  • urgently need
  • urgent chile
  • urgently needed
  • urgent treatment




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