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词汇 urgently needed
释义 urgently needed
urgently needed发音




urgent review───紧急审查

recently bereaved───最近丧夫

surgical needles───手术用针头

neatly folded───折叠整齐

surgical needle───手术针


urgent care───急救

urgent matter───当务之急

urgent meeting───紧急会议


Doctors say a new code of conduct is urgently needed to protect the doctor-patient relationship.───医生们说亟需新的行为准则来保护医患关系。

New equipment is urgently needed.───亟需新设备。

Food aid is urgently needed.───迫切需要食物援助。

The U. N. food agency's Director-General Jacques Diouf said the time for talk is over and that action is urgently needed.───联合国粮农组织总干事雅克.迪乌夫表示,夸夸其谈的时候已经过去了,现在需要马上行动起来。

Urgently needed are 'superbatteries' with energy densities at least two or three times higher than at present.───亟待解决的是超级电池的能量密度至少要高于现在的两到三倍。

For the next couple of years Chrysler will have to rely mainly on facelifts of existing models and urgently-needed improvements in quality.───接下来两年Chrysler不得不依靠现有车型的外表翻新和迫在眉睫的质量优化。

However, systematic and thorough research is still needed in this field, high value-added products are urgently needed to be developed.───对苹果汁加工废弃物仍缺乏系统深入的研究,其高附加值产品亟待开发。

It will be even more effective if they then use some of that tax to pay for the urgently needed national preventative health strategy.───如果他们利用其中一部分税收为急需的全国预防健康战略提供资金的话,这甚至会更为有效。

She says two other flights carrying urgently needed shelter supplies are expected to leave early next week.───她说,另外两次运送急需的庇护所设备的飞行预计下个星期初离开迪拜。


New equipment is urgently needed.

International support is urgently needed, both in terms of economic aid and political support.

More blood donors are urgently needed.

Legislation on this issue is urgently needed.

Legislation is urgently needed to facilitate police counterterrorist operations.

Food aid is urgently needed.

Red Cross officials said they urgently needed bread and water.

Help is urgently needed.

Research is urgently needed into the causes of this illness.

  • urgently need
  • urgently needed




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