

词汇 kiss me
释义 kiss me
kiss me发音



kiss ass───拍马屁;谄媚者

kiss off───解雇;拒绝,不理会


mass men───易受大众传媒影响的人

give me───给我




I make sure today that he was going to kiss me as he held me.───今儿他抱着俺的时候,俺满心想,他一准会来吻俺.

He attempted to kiss me, but I just refused it.───他企图吻我, 被我拒绝了.

She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin.───她侧过脸飞快地在我下巴上亲了一下。

What did you kiss me for, Tom?───你为什么要吻我,汤姆?

You kiss me gently on the lips, and I tenderly kiss back.───我慢慢地吻你的发, 你的额头,你的面颊,你的薄薄多情的纹唇.

All I could think of was, is he gonna kiss me?───我只能想他要吻我了 吗 ?

For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror.───我当时以为他要亲我,所以吓得直往后退。

And obviously if you never want to kiss me that is understandable.───当然,如果你从都没想跟我接吻,那也是可以理解的.

Kiss me -- there , it's all gone now, and I am not complaining any more.───亲亲我 -- 好了, 什么事也没了, 我也不再发牢骚了.

So kiss me , my sweet and so let up part.───吻我吧, 爱人,我们就要分开.

Ai Li silk,'I say to her:'kiss me?───艾丽丝, ’ 我对她说: ‘ 吻我一下好 吗 ?

The player with a kiss - me - quick on her head is my girl friend.───后头戴着罩帽的那个演员是我的女朋友.

So kiss me goodbye and I'll try not to cry.───所以与我吻别吧,我会试着不哭泣.

He bent to kiss me, but I turned my face determinedly away.───他俯身要吻我, 但我断然把脸扭开了.

Bella Swan: It's my birthday, can I ask for something? Kiss me.───贝拉: “事这是我的生日, 我能要求清点什么 吗 ?亲亲我. ”

For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror.───一时间我认为他要吻我。我惊恐地躲开了。

Are you too proud to kiss me? the morning light asks buttercup.───晨光问毛茛道: 你是骄傲得不肯和我接吻 么 ?

This boy David tried to French kiss me.───这个叫戴维的男孩试着与我法式接吻。


Kiss me, and you will see how important I am. Sylvia Plath 

Then he got heavy and tried to kiss me.

Kiss me straight on the brows!

Kiss me , I'm gnomish !

She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin.

He made a move to kiss me, but I turned away.

Say "nighty-night" and kiss me.

Kiss me and I'm gnomish !

He did kiss me back then, as if he wanted to press his wretched thin inhibited mouth right through my head.

  • kissing the fire
  • kissed by fortune
  • kiss the rain
  • kissing booth
  • kiss me
  • kiss my ass
  • kiss lips
  • kiss in tokyo
  • kiss you
  • kissing you
  • kiss gun
  • kiss my lips
  • kiss and cry
  • kiss b




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