照看; 照管; 留心; 注意
keep an eye open───睁大眼睛
keep an eye out───警觉,,留心,,密切注意
keep a rein on───控制住
keep a tab on───记帐;监视
keep an eye out for───留心或注意到某人或某事物;当心,警惕
keep your eyes open───睁开眼睛;睁大眼睛;留意
have an eye for───对…有鉴别能力
have an eye to───著眼于…;注意…
keen eye───敏锐的目光(歌名,KeenEye)
Bruno is petty cagey . You have to keep an eye on him.───布鲁诺相当狡猾. 你是提防着他一点儿.
back and keep an eye on the children.───回去看看孩子们。
I'll keep an eye on the matter.───这事儿我在心就是了.
You'd better keep an eye on the underlying problems such as myocarditis.───你最好是留心一下像心肌炎之类的潜在问题.
He had been sent here to keep an eye on Benedict.───他被派到这儿监视贝内迪克特。
Keep an eye on other crimes that might be committed by a fugitive.───要注意一个逃犯可能犯的其他罪行.
Keep an eye on the children while I go shopping.───当我购物时,请注意一下孩子.
Can you keep an eye on my bag? I gotta go to washroom.───请留意一下我的包好 吗 ?我得去一下洗手间.
We should organize the masses to keep an eye on these people.───我们要组织群众,注意这些人.
I just mention this so that you can keep an eye on this person.───我提到这个人只是想让你留心.
Shella: Can you keep an eye on the kids while I go to the doctor's?───席拉: 你可以在我去看医生时帮我看一下小孩 吗 ?
Please keep an eye on the stove the milk boils.───劳神照看炉上的牛奶,别沸溅了.
Keep an eye on that rascal. Don't let him run away.───看住他,别让这坏家伙跑了!
Keep an eye on EBAY, waiting for a new trend to emerge.───同时盯着易贝, 等它形成新的趋势.
Please keep an eye on the children.───请照看一下孩子们.
Keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket.───我买票去,请关照一下我的小提箱.
They're using villagers to keep an eye on each other, to spy on each other.───他们利用村民互相监视,互相窥探。
But we should keep an eye on the barn door anyway.───然而我们还是要警惕地注视着马厩门.
Basking on the balcony, Granny can still keep an eye on the children.───老奶奶一面在阳台上晒太阳, 一面还能照看孩子们.
We've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.───我们已请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看一下房子。
We can't leave no one to keep an eye on things.───我们不能 搞 “空城计”.
Keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils.───注意炉上的牛奶,别沸出去.
Please keep an eye on our web!───请留意我们的网站!
Keep an eye on my suitcase.───留意我的手提箱.
Can you keep an eye on my child, i need to go to washroom.───能帮我看一下孩子吗, 我想去一下卫生间.
I know. Don't worry. I'll stay with them and keep an eye on them.───我知道. 别担心, 我会跟他们呆在一起看好他们的.
Will you please keep an eye on my luggage?───劳驾帮我看一下行李.
Please keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils.───劳神照料炉上的牛奶,别沸溅了.
Excuse me, but will you keep an eye on this baggage?───对不起, 帮我看一下这个行李好 吗 ?
Keep an eye on the crowd for your teacher.───注意一下人群中有没有你们老师.
Parents must, therefore, keep an eye on what their children watch.───因此, 父母们应该留意孩子所看的电视节目.
Then he has got to keep an eye on them.───然后,他应该对这些人的工作进行监督.
Basking on the balcony, Granny can still keep an eye on the children.
- keep your eyes open for
- keep notes
- keeping away
- keep we dream
- keep a lion
- keep grade
- keep safety
- keep hold of
- keep the times
- keep reading
- keep to the right
- keep dark
- keep perfect
- keep a secret
- keep pushing
- keep in line
- keeping green
- keeping healthy
- keeping scor
- keep on searching
- keep a smile