came up against───v.碰到;遭遇
ran up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇
come up against───v.碰到;遭遇
comes up against───v.碰到;遭遇
run up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇
runs up against───撞上;偶遇;碰见;遭遇
take against───反对,不喜欢
How does their product stack up against the competition of other firms?───他们的产品同其他公司的相比 怎么样 ?
How does the current turmoil stack up against past crises?───时下的混乱和以往的危机比较起来有什么不同 呢 ?
What do you think of these products and do you think they stack up against ours?───你认为这些产品怎么样,能和我们的产品相匹敌 吗 ?
How does their product stack up against those imported from foreign countries?───他们的产品与从外国进口的产品相比 如何 ?
Let's ask our customers what they want and then see how we stack up against what they ask of us.───让我们要求我们的客户是它们需要,看看我们对他们的要求的堆栈。
So, how do Toshiba's new R 700 models stack up against rivals?───那么, 东芝新的R700系列与竞争对手相比表现如何 呢 ?
How does our product stack up against those of our competitors?───我们的产品与我们的竞争者的产品比起来 如何 ?
Depends where you look. Comparing the world's 10 largest economies against their rankings in the 2010 Transparency International corruption perceptions index, here's how they stack up.───取决于你如何看待。如果要以2010年透明国际组织统计出的清廉指数对世界十大经济强国进行对比的话,以下就是排名情况。
How do we stack up against all the other companies that sell mobile devices?───我们如何叠起对所有其他公司出售移动设备?
mobile home simply doesn't stack up against a traditional house.───活动房屋怎么也比不上传统的房屋。
How does your business stack up against the competition?───怎么来壮大你的业务来应对竞争?
Does our product stack up against the best product?───我们的产品能与最好的比 吗 ?
Check out this chart to see how your favorite stars stack up against their real - life counterparts.───请读读下面的文章,看看你最喜欢的明星们同现实生活的原形相比,有哪些异同.
How does he stack up against you at chess?───他的棋术比你 如何 ?
How does your company stack up against your competitors.───你的公司是怎样与你的竞争对手较量的呢?
How does our product stack up against those of yours?───我们的产品与你们的相比 怎么样 ?
- stack up against
- stacked stone
- stack pointer
- stacking up
- stacked sweatpants
- stack trace