stack the cards───洗牌作弊
hit the deck───起床;被打倒;准备行动
seal the deal───搞定
stack heel───叠跟
stack heels───叠跟鞋
stand the pace───坚持步调
stay the pace───保持速度
talk the talk───说的头头是道
what the heck───搞什么鬼(非正式,表示极度惊讶的语气);怎么回事(非正式,表示极度惊讶的语气)
You can stack form elements atop each other and the ones beneath are properly hidden (the deck tag does that, much like a hypercard stack).───您可以将表单元素一个摞一个的堆叠起来,下面的元素可以很好地隐藏掉(deck标签可以实现,这很类似于hypercard栈)。
How dare you stack the deck!───你怎敢洗牌作弊!
Don't try to stack the deck!───不要洗牌作弊.
Instead, we brought the minimum amount of spares so as not to stack the deck to ensure mission success.───事实恰恰相反,为了不以虚假的方式胜利完成任务,我们将保留的量压缩到了最小。
I've done my level best to stack the deck in favour of an easy transition.───我已经尽了我最大的能力暗中布局来帮助我女儿顺利过渡。
just another example of corporate greed. . . This happens every day in America to stack the deck against the common man.───不过又是一个企业贪婪的例子罢了……这种事在美国富人与贫民之间每天都在发生。
The lexicographer told the New York Times that "It's easy to stack the deck by finding a definition that does or does not highlight a nuance that you're interested in.
- stack up against
- stacked stone
- stack pointer
- stacking up
- stacked sweatpants
- stack trace