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in articles───根据契约当学徒,依雇用契约工作着




to particularise───具体化

to particularize───具体化


The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying.───埃塞俄比亚的局势尤其令人担忧。

I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.───我认为很多人,特别是女性,都会回避这些敏感问题。

The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrisome.───埃塞俄比亚的局势特别令人担忧。

We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it.───天有不测风云,所以我们永远都无法保证会航行到哪个地方。

There is a theme of tragedy that runs through it: I'm thinking in particular of the story of Tom Howard.───贯穿始终的是一个悲剧主题,特别是汤姆·霍华德的故事。

Don't Eat: Salt and liquor are two enemies that Aries people in particular should avoid.───不要吃: 盐和酒是白羊座人应该特别禁忌的.

Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws scrape off incipient algae and plants.───特别是鹦哥鱼,它们可以用有锯齿状的下颚将新生的海藻及植物整个刮除.

The chemical changes in the processing are explained in particular.───并描述了加工过程中的化学变化特征及其在生产中的应用.

Those laws hold true in particular periods and in a particular kind of space.───那些不同经济法则都是适用于特定时期和特定种类区域的.

This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular.───这一年对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。

In particular I admire Gary Lineker.───我特别崇拜加里·莱因克尔。

My uncle mentioned you name in particular.───我叔父特别提到你的名字.

The police haven't really done anything for the black community in particular.───警方并未真正特意为黑人群体做什么.

Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.───失业尤其冲击到了无特别技能的工人.

In particular, overseas sales increased by about 10 percent.───特别是海外销售大约增长了10%.

In particular, if you do define a conversion to an arithmetic type, then.───具体而言, 如果定义了到算术类型的转换, 则.

In particular, their small size, high efficiency, high capacity , dimensions and installation dimensions have been standardized.───尤其他们的体积小 、 效能高 、 库容高 、 形状比例和安装比例已尺度化.

Company cadres, and political instructors in particular, should know how to work effectively.───连队干部, 尤其是指导员要会做工作.

The police haven't really done anything for the black community in particular.───警方并没有特别为黑人团体做什么。

In particular, the machine selection incorporated with tool selection can generate extended strategies for economical production.───特别是将选择机床与选择刀具相结合能对经济生产进行优化决策.

Q: And in particular , Thongchai Jaidee?───问: 你还记得合你同场竞技的亚洲球手贾弟 吗 ?

He do nothing in particular, and do it very well.───他没特别做过什么事情, 可也做得很不错.

She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.───她喜欢水果,尤其是西红柿.

He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.───他漠然而漫无目标地注视着不远处。

She asked the author if she had modelled her hero on anybody in particular.───她问作者书中的主人公是否是以某个人为原型。

His statement refers to people in general, not to anyone in particular.───他的发言是泛指一般情况, 不是针对某一个人的.

I went along thinking of nothing in particular only looking at things around me.───我一路走着,没想什么特别的事,只是四下张望着。

Why should he notice her car in particular?───他为什么会特别注意到她的车?

Programmable logic, in particular field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) is such a solution.───可编程逻辑, 特别是现场可编程门阵列 ( FPGA ) 便是这样的解决方案.

Drew made some remarks to nobody in particular and said goodbye.───德鲁说了一些不针对任何人的话就告辞了。

The Company Specializes small language translation services, in particular Dutch.───本公司擅长小语种翻译服务, 特别是荷兰文.

We re trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular.───我们正在努力从总体上增强环境意识,特别是提高对空气污染的意识.

The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics.───年轻人更是把他看作一位坚持原则、不会为了政治上的妥协而卑躬屈膝的人。

  • insectivora species
  • in different
  • intrusion game
  • in harmony
  • inductive method
  • instructional material
  • instead synonym
  • incommodious meaning
  • inimical man
  • inamiddle school
  • including thesaurus
  • inmost cardigan
  • in partical
  • in turkey
  • integral side
  • insinuation syn
  • in ways
  • in this halunderwear
  • in his mouth
  • inclosed letterpress
  • inaccuracy def




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