

词汇 Small summer
释义 Small summer
Small summer发音



small number───n.[数]小数;少数交易

small sum───小额

steamy summer───闷热的夏天

balmy summer───温暖的夏天

early summer───夏初

small beer───淡啤酒;琐事;小人物

small game───小游戏


Harvest summer radishes when they are small and tender for optimal flavor.───夏季萝卜小而嫩时收获,以获得最佳风味。

small summer suddenly thought of, she at absentminded in seemed to once see one eye.───小夏突然想起来了,她在恍惚之中好像见过一眼。

traditional idea about summer holiday in Norway is to pack the whole family in the car and then drive off to a small summer house in the mountains or by the sea.───挪威传统意义上的度假就是把全家塞进一辆车里,然后开到山里或者海边的小木屋避暑。

But the company by this time lets small summer, definitely have the reason of its back.───但公司这时候让小夏来,一定有其背后的原因。

If say the life experience in small summer is pure, so this matter probably still because of him.───如果说小夏的身世单纯,那么这件事也许还是因为他。

The small summer suddenly thought of, she at absentminded in seemed to once see one eye.───小夏突然想起来了,她在恍惚之中好像见过一眼。

"Good. " The small summer simply promises.───“好。”小夏干脆地答应。

To the small summer suddenly book come into this affair, he is doubt from the first.───对于小夏突然卷进这件事情来,他从一开始就是怀疑的。

We are only small summer insects and well frogs ignorant.───我们只是倏忽渺小的夏虫井蛙。

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