

词汇 small talk
释义 small talk
small talk发音

闲谈,聊天; 聊天儿



small talks───闲聊;聊天

smack talk───批判性言论

smack talks───批判性言论

chalk talk───粉笔教学;填鸭式教学法,注入式教学法

make talk───背后议论

sales talk───游说;招揽买卖的话

small ad───小广告


I consider myself to be good at small talk.───我认为我很善于聊天.

Small talk deals with topics superficially , simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going.───可以言不及义, 只为的是有话讲下去.

How do you make small talk with a Briton? Here's a good way: talk about weather.───你如何跟一个英国人谈话? 这里是一个很好的方式: 谈论天气.

I was really just need small talk.───我不过是想随便说点什么.

He mingled freely with other delegates, trying to make small talk and little jokes.───他无拘无束地跟其他代表搞在一起, 试图跟他们随便聊聊、开开玩笑.

We had small talk.───我们只是聊聊而已.

Perhaps the safest of all small talk topics is the weather.───因此,或许天气可说是最安全的闲聊话题了.

People use small talk to break an uncomfortable silence.───人们会用闲聊打破令人不安的沉默。

We stood around the fire, making small talk.───我们站在火炉周围聊天.

Small talk is helpful.───闲聊是有帮助的。

Making small talk can be one of life's pleasures.───与人闲聊可以成为生活中随手可得的一项乐趣.

Engage in small talk: your business trip, your family and where you live . Order the meal.───涉及到简短的对话包括: 商务旅程 、 您的家庭、住址等.

We stood around making small talk until the guest of honour arrived.───我们站在那里闲聊,直到贵宾到来.

Can we skip the small talk?───我们能不能跳过闲聊?

Pollard opened the conversation with some small talk.───波拉德在寒暄中开始了谈话。

Businesspeople often like to joke around when they make small talk.───商务人士经常喜欢在他们闲聊时开开玩笑.

The small talk was not the forte of either leader.───两位领导人都不善于闲谈.

Start by giving a small talk to a few people.───先开始和几个人聊聊家常.

I'm no good at making small talk.───我不善于与人寒暄.

I'm afraid I have no small talk , ie I can't chat about unimportant things.───很抱歉, 我不能聊闲天.

Are they examples of successful or unsuccessful small talk?───看闲聊是有成效的还是没有成效的?

Inevitably we had by then explored every conceivable avenue of small talk.───不消说,到那时,大凡搜肠刮肚能找到的闲聊话题,我们都谈遍了.

He often feels awkward at parties because he is not very good at small talk.───参加各种聚会时他经常感觉不自在,因为他不太能聊.

Mary is a beautiful girl, but incapable of anything weightier than small talk.───玛丽是个美丽的女孩, 但除了闲聊外,稍微重要点的事一样也干不来.

Small talk wastes much time.───闲谈最浪费时间.

Usually people start small talk by asking about things like family, work, school or sports.───通常人们以提问的方式开始闲聊,询问诸如家庭啦, 工作啦, 学校啦,体育运动啦,等等.

There's so much to talk about besides small talk.───除了寒暄之外,要谈的东西很多.

Making small talk about pop culture is easy and fun.───谈论一些流行的文化也是既轻松又有趣的话题.

Never feel you he to fill an interview with small talk.───绝对不要觉得自己非得在面试里不停地闲谈.

So walk up to someone and make small talk!───走向一个人,闲聊几句吧!

Making small talk also an art that can be learned.───闲聊也是一门可以学习的艺术.

She loves to have some small talk with the neighbors.───她喜欢与邻居聊家常.

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