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词汇 inferiority complex
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inferiority complexes───自卑情结;自卑感

superiority complex───优越感;自尊情结;过于自尊

superiority complexes───优越感;自尊情结;过于自尊

inferior court───初级法院;下级法庭,下级法院;小法院(指美国联邦法院第一级法院)

inferior courts───初级法院;下级法庭,下级法院;小法院(指美国联邦法院第一级法院)


infinity cove───无限海湾

infinity coves───无限海湾

Electra complex───[医]恋父情结


Stop thinking like that or your will develop an inferiority complex.───不要那样想,否则你会产生自卑感.

Therefore, the inferiority complex has been, always feeling Pei Bushang You!───所以一直的自卑, 总是感觉配不上你!

Psychiatrist: What makes you think you have an inferiority complex?───精神病医生: 是什么让你认为你有自卑情结?

He had an inferiority complex about his looks.───他对自己的外表感到自卑.

You see , inferiority complex is the same as arrogance: they are both expressions of unbelief.───因此: 自卑与自大一样,都是不信的表现.

For many years, Brazil has had something of a national inferiority complex.───许多年来, 巴西一直背负着某种国家自卑情结.

SOME comparisons are stark enough to generate a national inferiority complex.───很多方面的比较足以使他们产生这种民族自卑感.

Menagerie , Laura Wingfield suffers severe inferiority complex caused by her physical disability.───温费尔德由于身体残疾而产生了严重的自卑情结.

Some of them developed a great inferiority complex.───他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感.

Confidence is revelated from heart to outside and inferiority complex is opposition.───自信是向外发展,而自卑则是向内探索.

She has an inferiority complex about [ because of ] her bad complexion.───她因自己的肤色不好而感到 自卑.

Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem or an inferiority complex.───这个层次的需求失衡会导致低自尊或自卑情结。

Miaoyu : also depend on others , a bit arrogant inferiority complex, claiming threshold outsiders.───妙玉: 同样是寄人篱下, 高傲的有点自卑, 自称槛外人.

Russia’s sense of resurgence is mixed with a deeply rooted inferiority complex.───复兴俄罗斯的感情混合着一种根深蒂固的自卑感。

I have an inferiority complex.───我有自卑感.

Andwiched between economic giant Japan and rising superpower China, Korea has always shouldered an inferiority complex.───处在经济巨人日本和日益崛起的超级大国中国夹缝中的韩国,总是背负着沉重的自卑感.

ManyChinese men and women have an inferiority complex, self hate and White worship towards Caucasians.───很多亚洲的男人和女人有自卑情节, 自我憎恨,白人崇拜.

I comforted myself By saying that it was only my imagination, my inferiority complex.───我自我安慰地说,那只是我的想象, 我的自卑感而已.

This inferiority complex has been institutionalized in the Chinese mind.───这种自卑情结成为中国内心的一部分.

An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle.───自卑心是最伤害自己的,是最大的障碍.

The Boston-New York inferiority complex is nothing new, especially when it comes to restaurants.───在人们的印象里,波士顿没有纽约发达,特别是在餐饮方面。

Most of patients have inferiority complex and have of psychoses and medicines.───大多数患者有自卑感,有被社会和家庭遗弃感.

He had an inferiority complex about his sexuality.───他对自己的性能力有一种自卑情结.

Suffer from psychological problems: loneliness, homesickness, depression, inferiority complex.───遭受心理问题影响: 孤独, 想家, 抑郁或者自卑.





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