

词汇 heavily built
释义 heavily built
heavily built发音




heavily weighted───重磅

heading butt───用头撞击;头击,用脑袋撞

heavily armed───全副武装的

heavy oil───重油(将焦油蒸馏得到的比重大于水)

heavy oils───重油(将焦油蒸馏得到的比重大于水)

heavy soil───粘重土;重质土;难耕的土地

well built───建造良好

heavenly bodies───天体

heavily bearded───大胡子


Yetis are said to be heavily built and hairy. Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yetis.───野人体格粗壮、多毛,脚印是目前支持野人存在说的为数不多实证之一。

All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.───特罗洛普家的所有男孩都是体格强壮、身材高大。

No, no, " said the foreman, a rough, heavily built individual, who looked after a miserably lighted workshop, "we don't want any one. Don't come here. "───不要,不要,”工头回答。那是个粗暴肥胖的家伙,管着一个光线昏暗的车间。“我们谁也不要,走开!”

He was a big man of about forty, wide-shouldered and heavily built.───他是个40岁左右的高大男子,肩宽体壮。

He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache.───他身材魁梧,留着红色的八字胡。

He is heavily built, but beginning to sag.───他体形健壮,但肌肉已经开始松弛。

The heavily built man, smiling, had already seen me.───那位身材粗壮的人面带微笑, 早已看见我.

The little field was surrounded by the University of Maryland and a heavily built-up area...───这个小小的机场处在马里兰大学和一片稠密建筑物的包围之中。


Luckily, my shield was heavily built.

All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.

To his left was a heavily built grey-haired man, who looked straight ahead.

Constantine was tall, heavily built and had a commanding presence.

Steve was six feet tall, heavily built and his clean-shaven pale face showed no expression.

A heavily built man in a corduroy jacket edged closer to him on his left.

He was certainly a heavily built man, but a lot of it was fat.

Angus is heavily built and fair.

He is heavily built, but beginning to sag.

  • heavily polluted
  • heavily-armed greek foot soldiers were called




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