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词汇 heavily armed
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heavily armoured───重装甲

heavily bearded───大胡子

heavily guarded───密不通风

heavily bandaged───包扎得很重

heavily indebted───负债累累

heavily involved───严重卷入

heavily weighted───重磅

heavily built───重金打造的;体格健壮的

heavy mud───重泥浆


They are heavily armed, fending off attempts to stop them.───全副武装,反抗任何企图组织他们的人。

They are usually slightly smaller than frigates and are not as heavily armed either.───它们略小于护卫舰并且并不是全副武装的.

The ship is heavily armed with laser cannons, but it is apparently not very well armoured.───这艘船装备了大量激光炮,但显然装甲不是很好。

The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect.───警察重重地击倒了持有武器的嫌疑犯.

He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.───他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。

He walks briskly, flanked by heavily armed guards.───他步伐轻快,两旁是全副武装的侍卫。

South Korean tourist groups no longer travel across the heavily armed inter - Korean border.───也不再有韩国的旅游团扩过重兵把守的 南北 韩边界.

Guards will whip out radios and demand heavily armed backup before chasing you around the corner.───敌兵在追逐你之前,会快速掏出对讲机,请求重装兵的支援.

Police were heavily armed.───警察全副武装。

A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre.───一队全副武装的警察已经封锁了市中心。

Heavily armed foreign vessels come close inshore and compete with small scale, artisan fishermen.───报告说:机械化程度很高的外国渔船逼近近海,与小规模的徒手渔民竞争.

The Type 62 was considered a heavily armed 100 - ton class patrol boat during that period time.───在那段时期62型被公认是一种重装备100-吨级巡逻艇.

Close contact with more heavily armed transports should be avoided.───所有应避免和全副武装的商队接近.

Allende arrived at the Presidential Palace at 7∶30 A . M. with a heavily armed escort.───阿连德于上午七时三十分在重兵护卫下来到总统府.


Police were heavily armed.

Follow this road as far as the heavily armed anti-government ranch.

They include: How heavily armed the siege maker is.

He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.

A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre.

Above these were the heavily armed cavalry, who were free vassals of noble blood.

Those highly visible operations, which featured heavily armed government forces using aggressive pressure tactics, ended in deadly violence.

The terrorists are heavily armed.

Street gangs are often heavily armed.

  • heavily polluted
  • heavily-armed greek foot soldiers were called




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