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词汇 heavily polluted
释义 heavily polluted
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heavily armoured───重甲

heavily indebted───债台高筑

heavily weighted───重磅

heavily armed───全副武装的

heavily bandaged───绷带绷带

heavily bearded───浓密的胡须

heavily built───重金打造的;体格健壮的


In some parts of China the air is so heavily polluted they never see the sun, it is only a glow behind the smog.───在中国的某些地方空气被严重的污染,那里的人们看不到太阳,只能看到烟雾背后的一串微光。

The monsoon is extremely powerful, and it happens to form right over a heavily polluted region.───印度洋季风十分强劲,而它又刚好在一个重污染区上空形成。

They have come up with two sorts, one for heavily polluted water and one for water that is only lightly polluted.───他们已经发现了两种光活性催化剂,一种用于净化严重污染的水,一种用于净化轻度污染的水。

Pouring all I and any other exposed internal condensation, or heavily polluted parts of the coating required.───所有的浇注口和任何其它暴露在内部凝结或重度污染的部件需要涂层。

I fear I may find myself amid the debris of an earthquake one day. Or some pandemic disease may break out in a heavily polluted area.───我害怕有一天自己会被埋在地震的残骸中;或有朝一日,某种流行病会在污染严重的地区爆发。

The city is consistently ranked as the country's most livable but is still heavily polluted by international standards.───大连一向被评为中国最宜居城市,但按照国际标准,污染仍很严重。

Wang Quansheng gestures through the midday murk of what passes for a sunny day in Tangshan , the heavily polluted steel capital of China .───王全胜在正午的昏暗中打着手势,在唐山,这就算是个晴天了。唐山是污染严重的中国钢铁之都。

The once-heavily polluted lake underwent a massive recovery effort during the last several decades.───这片湖泊曾经受到严重污染,过去几十年进行了一场大规模的治理行动。


Sometimes there were sandy heaths which looked like parts of Surrey and sometimes massive, sulphurous and heavily polluted industrial plants.

Sanming City is heavily polluted by the industry. Sanming Suburb National Forest Farm surrounds Sanming City lying on the moutains. To cultivate the antipollution forest is the urgence to the farm.

The control of heavily polluted river in Suzhou was tested by Ipomoea aqutica on soilless floating beds, through static state test and in situ test on a heavily polluted river, Miaojia River.

The air is heavily polluted.

The air was heavily polluted with exhaust fumes.

Estimates of the amount of money needed to decontaminate the heavily polluted chemical installations vary.

The air is heavily polluted with traffic fumes.

The river is already heavily polluted by chemical and metallurgical industries.

The Ganges River is so heavily polluted at Varanasi that the water is septic - no dissolved oxygen exists.

  • heavily polluted
  • heavily-armed greek foot soldiers were called




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