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词汇 going over
释义 going over
going over发音


[法] 核对,彻底审查,痛打


doing over───重做;粉刷


coming over───过来;顺便来访;抓住

giving over───停止;交出


moving over───挪开

rowing over───v.从容胜过;一路领先

bring over───使相信;说服;把…带来

gain over───拉拢过来;把…说服过来


He gets a terrible going-over in these pages.───他在这几页中遭到了一顿痛批。

Going over to Clara, he said: "So you have risked it?"───他走过去对克拉拉说:“所以,你冒险了吗?”

Fred was all hopped up about going over the ocean.───弗雷德一想要远渡重洋,就兴奋得要命.

The car needs a good going - over before it can go a long journey.───这辆车要跑长途,就要给它彻底检修一下.

His jokes are always in such bad taste; he can't be funny without going over the top.───他的笑话总是那样低级, 他不这样就不好笑.

Going over to Carrie, he said:'suppose you try frowning all through.───他走到嘉莉面前说: “ 你就一直皱着眉头.使劲地皱着.

I'm going over to his pad this evening.───我今晚要去他的住所.

Bianca and Fabio are going over the bill.───碧昂佳和法比欧正在核对账单.

These working parties will be going over well-trodden ground.───这些工作组将按惯例工作。

" Come now, that's all past history . What's the point in going over it all again?───“ 这些旧话谈它干 么!

After going over the Col de Vars, the route passes through St-Paul-sur-Ubaye.───这条道越过瓦尔山口之后,穿过于拜河畔圣保罗。

We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement.───现在我们转至新闻部,宣布一项重要消息.

We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement.───我们现在转换到新闻部宣布一则重要消息。

Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over the falls.───他被急流冲走, 跌入瀑布的危险已迫在眉睫.

He had been going over some new material with Godliman.───他和加德里曼阅读了一些新材料.

A few of our guys were thinking about going over the hill.───我们的人中有几个在开小差.

He spent the next hour going over the trial in his mind.───接下来的一小时里,他在脑子里反复考虑了这次审判。


I'm going over to his pad this evening.

He spent the next hour going over the trial in his mind.

Many motorists are going over from leaded to unleaded fuel.

The panel spent 14 hours going over the evidence.

Look out, the house's going over!

Forensic scientists are going over the victim's flat in a search for clues about the murderer.

Later in this bulletin we will be going over to our Westminster studio for an update on the situation.

They hired temporary staff to keep things going over the summer.

These working parties will be going over well-trodden ground.

  • going to the
  • going places
  • going against
  • going out of
  • going to the dogs
  • going to be
  • going sledding
  • going over to
  • going dutch
  • going back
  • going pursuit
  • going in to
  • going shopping
  • going with the flow doesn
  • going todo
  • going my home




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