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词汇 jack
释义 jackUK:*'jack', 'Jack': /ˈdʒæk/US:/dʒæk/ ,( jak)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: Jack主要翻译 jack n (device used to lift a vehicle)千斤顶Dan got a flat tire, so he used a jack to lift up his car so he could put the spare tire on.丹的汽车轮胎瘪了,所以他用千斤顶抬起汽车换轮胎。 jack n (playing card) (牌戏)J 牌The poker player drew a jack.扑克玩家摸了一张J牌。 jack n (electrical outlet)插座;插口George plugged the vacuum cleaner into the jack.乔治将吸尘器插头插在插座上。 jack n (in bowling) (保龄球)目标球The players threw their bowls at the jack.球员瞄准目标球扔出滚球。 jacks n (game) (游戏)抓子儿The children were playing jacks on the sidewalk.孩子们在人行道上玩儿抓子儿。 其他翻译 jack, man jack n dated, slang (man)男人Every jack is being drafted into the army. jack n (machine)旋转烤叉The grill had a jack that automatically rotated the meat every minute. jack n (flag) (一般是国旗)船首小旗The ship's captain ordered the crew to hoist the jack. jack n (fish)鱼The fishermen caught a few jacks, but not much else. jack n (harpsichord) (拨弦古钢琴)拨子The harpsichord was in great condition; Sarah would just need to replace the jack. jack n dated, slang (sailor)鲹Every jack was lost when the ship went down. jack n slang (nothing)一点都不;毫不 jack [sth] vtr (car, etc.)用千斤顶顶起Kate jacked up her car so that she could look at the brake pads.凯特用千斤顶把车顶起,这样她就可以看到制动块了。 jack [sth] vtr figurative (raise: prices)增加;提高The bank jacked up the interest rates.银行提高了利率。 jack [sth] vtr figurative (raise: speed)加速Paul jacked up the speed on his cruise control when he entered Nevada.进入内华达后,保罗提升了巡航控制的速度。 jack [sth] vtr US, slang (steal)抢劫;打劫Fred jacked a pack of cigarettes from the store. 动词短语jack | Jack jack [sth] in vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (abandon, quit)放弃, 舍弃Ali plans to jack in his job as soon as he starts his MA.阿里计划在硕士项目开始后就辞掉工作。 jack off vi phrasal vulgar, slang (masturbate)手淫;自慰Steve jacks off when he reads his magazines.史蒂夫边看杂志边手淫。 jack [sb] off, jack off [sb] vtr phrasal sep vulgar, slang (bring to orgasm)手淫He asked her to jack him off, but she refused and left.他要她帮他手淫,但她拒绝了,然后走了。 jack [sth] up, jack up [sth] vtr phrasal sep literal (raise)用千斤顶托起When you have to change a tire, you must first jack up the car until the wheel is off the ground. jack [sth] up, jack up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (increase) (比喻价格等)提高, 涨, 抬高Some restaurants jack up the price of cold drinks during spells of hot weather. 复合形式:jack | Jack coho, coho salmon, cohoe salmon, cohoe, silver salmon, blue jack n (fish: variety of salmon)银大马哈鱼;银鳟 jack mackerel, horse mackerel n (fish)竹夹鱼 jack of all trades, jack-of-all-trades n informal (many skills)多面手;什么都会但不精的人My dad was a real jack of all trades; he could repair virtually anything. jack of all trades, jack-of-all-trades, jack of all trades, master of none, jack-of-all-trades, master of none n informal, pejorative (shallow skill in many things)杂而不精 jack-in-the-box n (toy: doll springs up when opened) (开盒盖时其中的玩偶能跳起)玩偶盒I bought my nephew a jack-in-the-box for his birthday. jack-in-the-pulpit n colloquial (North American plant)天南星 jack-o'-lantern, jack-o-lantern n (Halloween: carved pumpkin) (万圣节)空心南瓜灯Susie and her dad carved a jack-o'-lantern for Halloween. jackknife, jack-knife n (tool: pocket knife) (本义)折刀Bob used his jackknife to open the box. jackknife, jack-knife n figurative (movement: folding in half)屈身,弯腰It was obvious, from his jackknife, that the blow had really hurt the boxer. jackknife, jack-knife n figurative (dive with bend)屈体跳水The diver's jackknife was as perfect as could be. jackknife, jack-knife vi figurative (fold in half) (比喻)弯折A lorry had jacknifed on the motorway, causing massive tailbacks. jackknife, jack-knife vi figurative (dive)曲体跳水The diver jackknifed cleanly into the water. jackrabbit, jack rabbit n (North American hare)长耳大野兔 jackrabbit, jack rabbit n as adj figurative (with a sudden movement forward)动如脱兔的 jumping jack n (exercise move)开合跳 jumping jack n (child's toy)跳娃娃 quarantine flag, yellow flag, also UK: yellow jack n (ship's disease signal)检疫旗;黄色检疫旗 telephone jack n (socket for plugging in a phone)电话插口;电话塞孔;电话插座When I accidentally pulled the cord from the telephone jack, the phone went dead. will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus, friar's lantern, jack-o'-lantern n (ghost light)鬼火 will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus, friar's lantern, jack-o'-lantern n as adj (relating to a ghost light)难以捉摸的;鬼火的;变幻莫测的Strange will-o'-the-wisp lights moved over the marshes at night. yellow fever, yellow jack n (infectious febrile disease)黄热病I caught yellow fever on a trip to Africa.




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